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May 25th 2018
1) So here's a little tale of #hometovote and #abroadforyes I had yesterday
2) was on the FB group Abroad for Yes which essentially is Irish (and some non Irish) people abroad who don;t have a vote sending funds to those who have to enable them to get home to #repealthe8th
3) It's a wonderful place. People y/day buying last minute flights home for hundreds and being fully funded in less than 30 mins. People chipping in what the can, we nearly broke paypal
Read 10 tweets
May 24th 2018
We really need to talk more about #abortion as an option for women.
It's hard to say this and hard to hear it for many, but just because you discover you are pregnant doesn't mean you must carry that pregnancy to term. Your decision will last the rest of your life--and the rest of the life of any child you decide to carry to term.
And no, I am not advocating #abortion.
I'm advocating thinking about parenthood & all it entails.
Because once you have a child, you can't just walk away from that life.
And women/girls are talked into maintaining pregnancies every day.
More discussion would change that.
Read 15 tweets
May 20th 2018
So today's the day for #HearMeOut, an initiative to have conversations with undecided voters where they can tease out their concerns or questions in private. Well, I'd like to go public with my own situation.
This Friday, I'll be voting Yes, and I'd encourage you to do the same. However, if the vote had been 5 or 6 years ago, I would've been voting No. I've never identified as "Pro Life," but I would've been very strongly anti-abortion.
I had, to my mind, sound reasons for this stance. How impossibly complicated and messy it would be to legislate for rape/incest etc, how legalisation would strip away fathers' rights, adoption was a better way, all the usual explanations.
Read 16 tweets
May 20th 2018
A story about the 8th amendment and miscarriage:

“I've been trying to write this since this page was set up. Today marks the 8th anniversary of when the 8th amendment put my life in danger so it seems apt to share my story now...
8 years ago I was pregnant with twins. All was going well and my 16 week scan showed two healthy babies. Less than 2 weeks later I had some pains and heavy discharge.
I went to the hospital where I was checked out and had a scan. All seemed ok with the babies and I was prescribed antibiotics for a uti. The following morning I felt very sick and started to bleed so I went into the maternity emergency room again.
Read 41 tweets
May 18th 2018
Here’s a test for the antichoice campaigners that come knocking on your door. Ask em if they believe abortion is murder. They’ll mainly say yes. #together4yes #8thref #repealthe8th ➡️
Now ask if they believe a 14 years sentence is enough for a girl taking an abortion pill, or if the full mandatory life sentence for murder should be the maximum term. Now watch them scramble. ➡️
So far I’ve found it goes one of these ways: a) the old reliable side step that they also use for the rape question. ➡️
Read 25 tweets
May 18th 2018
1. Thread on cronyism, the abortion industry and the Government.

#savethe8th #loveboth
2. In the midst of the #cervicalcheckscandal other unsavoury details about the Govt. have emerged. These facts help to explain what exactly Tony O'Brien (Director General of the HSE) was doing as a non-executive Director of the Board of Evofem Devices & why Min. Harris approved.
3.This arrangement occurred in the middle of a flu season epidemic in Jan 2018. A peak number of people of 714 were left on trolleys in one day. Mr Varadker is quoted as having supported this unusual decision.
Read 29 tweets
May 12th 2018
It's nearly time for #Eurovision we'll be tweeting the abortion law from each country as they perform. We appreciate the law on paper can differ from practise so let us know if it is different than our reseaech!
It’s fitting that the #eurovision theme this year is #AllAboard as we are talking about abortion laws in the participating countries, and many in Ireland have to ‘take the boat’ to access abortion care.
The #Allaboard #eurovision theme is supposed to symbolise the connectivity across Europe, there are several examples of people travelling from one country to another such as Poland to Germany as well as Ireland to Britain, The Netherlands and others.
Read 35 tweets
May 9th 2018
A quick thread on the use of mental health by antichoicers, and why it’s both harmful and wrong. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Sadly this is something that we’re ignored in this country for too long, and it’s still under resourced. #8thref #together4yes
Antis are claiming that abortion will basically be widespread and a free for all if it’s allowed on mental health grounds. This is insulting not only to women who need abortions, but also further stigmatizes mental health. ➡️
I see a “fact” being thrown around by antis is that “97% of all UK abortions are on mental health grounds”. Yes, 97% of UK abortions are on health grounds. Yes, the majority of these are mental rather than physical health. But it’s misleading to state that this will happen here.
Read 22 tweets
Apr 30th 2018
Today we are warning that #RepealTheEighth vote can't be assumed even through No have failed to increase their vote. If the same last week shift comes into play as for Marriage Equality & Divorce we are looking at a result to close to call. To explain in detail..
1995 Divorce referendum looked to be in the bag from advance polls but on the day was only narrowly carried, it appears major drop in Yes happened in last 10 days. Too long ago to say more but we can say a whole lot more about Marriage Equality..
Marriage Equality also saw sharp drop in last 10 days, there were 4 polls published a weekend before by the same range of companies polling this time around - table shows each poll and then actual result first for raw data, then with Don't Knows excluded..
Read 17 tweets
Apr 17th 2018
A thread on the long running rebellion that eventually forced the government to call a referendum to #repealthe8th - photo is us on the February 1992 X-case march - the point at which the tide turned & lead to the #Together4Yes to get rid of #8thref this May
Our involvement goes further back, WSM formed in 1984 but those members had fought introduction of the 8th as part of the Anti-Amendment Campaign. Felt AAC was too defensive through and there was a need to always include a 'womens right to choose' on every platform
In 1984 Eileen Flynn sacked from teaching job at New Ross convent school - Jesuit priest wrote “Ms Flynn’s pregnancy is significant only as being incontrovertible evidence that her relations with the man in whose house she resided were in fact immoral...
Read 78 tweets

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