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Jun 27th 2020
my friend @lolitataub asked for a #founders #startup guide on #legalissues & @paulbz tweeted about how founders often overlook tax issues in early days. So, here's a thread of things I've published in (far reaches of) @WSJ @Forbes & via my #VentureCapital class @Columbia_Biz
2) Let's start with #StockOptions: #VestingOptions for #startups in @WSJ Accelerators (might have paywall) - esp for grants to advisors…
3) Vesting stock grants & #Section83b #83bElections for founders & others (with detailed math + tax law) #restrictedStock…
Read 31 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
FOCUSED WEALTH: I have a pretty diverse network, thanks to #socialmedia. I meet incredible people offline that I first met online. Some of them are accomplished investors. I have noticed a trend.
#Thread #InvestInYou #Investment #Money
There's a gentleman who always speaks about #venturefunding in the #renewableenergy sector. Honestly, my eyes glaze over when he goes on about turbines and solar panels and the projects he's working on in Brazil. This is because venture funding is not my area of strength.
One day he told me his revenue projections and my eyes popped at the numbers.
Read 10 tweets

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