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May 18th 2023

Both DEMS & media need to stop describing individuals as "alleged", "self-styled" or other challenging term re: #whistleblower status.

They meet definition of being #WBer.…
2/If individuals made protected disclosure to supervisor in employee’s direct chain of command, an OIG or appropriate congressional committee or its members, they are protected #whistleblowers.

Doesn't mean they are credible or accurate, but attacking status undermines system.
3/I served as co-counsel to IC #whistleblowers whose complaint led to Trump's 1st impeachment (not our objective). Cong. Jordan was hypocritically a key attacker of WBer's lawful & legitimate status. It was wrong then, it is wrong now.…
Read 18 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
1/Very worthwhile & interesting discussion of "Curious Fate of Citizen Snowden’s Archive" by long-time friend & oft media client @jeffersonmorley. Addresses issues many of us discuss all the time: where are Snowden's files & what should be done w/them?…
2/In decade since Snowden's criminal acts (whether you agree w/his actions or not, no escaping they were criminal) to disclose NSA/Govt secrets, especially abt domestic surveillance program, it has been said only abt 10% of contents have been publicly revealed.
3/Put aside revealing NSA's domestic surveillance program, which I believe Snowden could have done w/release of single page court order w/same effect yet had he done that he likely could be in US & not facing indictment. There were numerous lawful paths he could have taken. #Sad.
Read 7 tweets

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