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May 18th 2023

Both DEMS & media need to stop describing individuals as "alleged", "self-styled" or other challenging term re: #whistleblower status.

They meet definition of being #WBer.…
2/If individuals made protected disclosure to supervisor in employee’s direct chain of command, an OIG or appropriate congressional committee or its members, they are protected #whistleblowers.

Doesn't mean they are credible or accurate, but attacking status undermines system.
3/I served as co-counsel to IC #whistleblowers whose complaint led to Trump's 1st impeachment (not our objective). Cong. Jordan was hypocritically a key attacker of WBer's lawful & legitimate status. It was wrong then, it is wrong now.…
Read 18 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
1/Why is @DeptofDefense about to destroy much needed substantive #securityclearance reform?

In four days reform ordered 18 months ago by @EzraACohen as Acting DoD Undersecretary for Intelligence & Security (in furtherance of 2011 orders by SECDEF Gates) is to be implemented.
2/But apparently it won't be.

Instead, @DeptofDefense is poised to incorporate ordered changes into Trusted Workforce 2.0, which doesn't deal w/substantive due process & will effectively & intentionally kill the reform.

3/Cohen reform provides greater transparency to #securityclearance system & substantive due process, especially for civilian & military personnel. It compromises nothing but ensures everyone has equal footing within system.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 25th 2021

In little known move, on 1/14, then Acting USDIS @EzraACohen issued ground breaking memo to significantly reform @DeptofDefense #securityclearance program & enhance individual due process & increase transparency.
2/Many ppl have been working for decades to effect these changes & with one swoop of pen, it is FINALLY now official policy. I cannot speak highly enough of what was accomplished & it needs to be known.
3/Memo follows through on what President Eisenhower started 60 years ago w/Executive Order 10865, still in effect today, what President Clinton created w/EO 12968 in 1995, & what SECDEF Bob Gates ordered in 2011. DoD must now consolidate, centralize & unify all existing
Read 42 tweets
Jun 11th 2020
"scrupulously complied with national security requirements"?

Did #Bolton's attny access manuscript? Reports are he did. Then he did not "scrupulously" comply w/US law. I am repeatedly told I cannot access "classified" manuscripts unless authorized. And I hold #securityclearance.
That's not even mentioning literary agent who had access. Editors who had access. And whoever can see printed book awaiting distribution.

All contractual violations of #Bolton's non-disclosure agreement & possibly criminal if classified info is still in his book.
Now this often happens, especially when author doesn't have experienced legal counsel in prepub matters. Govt usually doesn't do anything so long as book is actually not published.

Uh oh. I sense a brewing storm here.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 21st 2019
@realDonaldTrump has placed a pause in the infliction of a military response to #Iran's #unlawful and #unprovoked attacks on #ships in #internationalwaters and a US #drone in #internationalairspace.

His own explanation?

As his tweets explain, proposed targets for such response exceeded #proportionality. Setting aside damage to ships in international waters, loss of our drone inflicted between 120 and 180 million $$$$ in loss. Proposed strike might have caused up to 150 lives.
Trump correctly concluded that such a response lacked proportionality. That consideration is important.

Limiting our response to inflicting proportionate damage demonstrates both #wisdom and #justice.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
Burden of Proof: a practical primer. I'm getting hecka tired of Trumpsters looking to #exonerate #Trump because the #MuellerReport didn't indict him of #collusion, #conspiracy, or #campaignfinanceviolations. This isn't a binary choice, there are levels, and Trump IS NOT at 0.
Some Evidence: The lowest level, a single piece of evidence that collusion or conspiracy occurred, though it can be explained away by other means but points the undisclosed meeting with Russian officials for example.
Reasonable Indications: Considering how the motivations and circumstances line up with the presented evidence though each could be explained away by other facts. Trump's long standing interest in a #TrumpTower in #Moscow and whispers of the existence of #Russian #Compromat.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
“Today, we are considering a resolution relating to the #securityclearance process at the #White House—a process that is supposed to protect our nation’s most closely guarded secrets. “ – Chairman @RepCummings
“This resolution would authorize me to issue a subpoena for the testimony of Carl Kline, who served as the White House Personnel Security Director under the #TrumpAdministration.”
“Yesterday, I sent a memo to all Committee Members providing information from a detailed, on-the-record interview with a #whistleblower who currently works in the #WhiteHouse.“
Read 12 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4375: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Security Clearances • #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #IvankaTrump #JaredKushner #SecurityClearance #DonaldTrump
1/ President Trump reportedly pressured John Kelly (then, his Chief of Staff) as well as Don McGahn (then, White House Counsel) to issue Top Secret security clearances to both his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, ...
2/ ... despite Kelly's and McGahn's recommendations against it. After the White House Personnel Security Office raised concerns - and both Kelly's and McGahn's refusals - Trump overruled them, granting clearances to his daughter and son-in-law himself.
Read 35 tweets
Jul 6th 2018
(1) THREAD on #SecurityClearances & #WhiteSupremacists. @PBS/@ProPublica issued a story today abt #MichaelMiselis — a UCLA PhD student who works for #NorthropGrumman w/security clearance. He participated in Charlottesville as a violent White Supremacist.…
(2) Miselis allegedly "pushed an African-American protester to the ground and began pounding on him," and "fought alongside RAM members, wrestling one protester to the ground and punching others" in Berkeley at a #Trump rally.
(3) RAM is Rise Above Movement, a Southern California group that expresses contempt for Muslims, Jews, and immigrants. A very typical #Trump supporting organization that President has never condemned. Pretty horrible group of Nazis basially. For info, read…
Read 11 tweets

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