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Jul 3rd 2022
Last week … I had the best time in #Ladakh

1. Yoga and Meditation Retreat
2. Some hiking
3. Cultural program at Lama Yuru village
4. River Rafting at Zanskar river (till the Sangam with Indus)
5. Motorcycling upto to #KhardungLa
Best #BlockLeave ever … (pics follow)
I am not the best #Yoga practitioner … but hopefully get better with practice
A little bit of #meditation (though my mind continues to wander)
Read 15 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
In Union Territory of Ladakh lies #Zanskar, a remote valley, is an arid cold desert with deep gorges and glaciers. Located in the Trans Himalayan Ranges, it has plenty of copper deposits and therefore is popularly known as the ‘Valley of Copper’ . Image
Zang means copper in the #Tibetan language. Lying South of the Indus valley and north of the Great Himalayan Range, this place is bordered by the drainage basins of the Stod, Zanskar, Lungnak, Tsarap and Kurgyak. It is famous for its many monasteries. Image
Since it is known as Chosyul or the ‘Country of Religions’. #Padum, Zanskar’s headquarters is a charming village surrounded by mountains. For eight months, it is snowbound and in peak winter, the frozen Zanskar river gorge, popularly known as the ‘Chadar’. Image
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