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May 22nd 2021
It is a currently a buyer's market in #Singapore due to the #Covid19 crisis hence property developers have to price property conservatively.

If you're #Singaporean, here's a thread on why you might want to consider a new private property 🏘️ in Singapore:

2/ Prior to 2013, people could easily flip #property and make tens of thousands just by buying an option to purchase.

Fast forward to 2013, various measures were introduced (#TDSR, #ABSD, #SSD)

This curbed demand lead to - /3…
3/ How is the #Singapore #RealEstate market different today?

- Healthy demand and less speculative buying
- Ample liquidity & low interest rates
- Declining unsold supply
- People are upsizing due to Work From Home (#WFH) changes…
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