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Christine #Anderson, Députée au Parlement Européen, sur l’ère Covid : 👏
“On a menti aux gens.
Сe fut un mensonge gigantesque.
Et en se basant sur ce mensonge, tout ce que les gouvernements occidentaux ont fait pour s’affranchir des droits et retirer aux gens leurs libertés, ⤵️
pour les confiner chez eux...tout cela était basé sur un gigantesque mensonge.
Von Der Leyen est désormais sous une immense pression, ce qui est normal.
Les gens ont le droit de savoir ce qu’il y avait dans ses échanges de textos entre elle et le PDG de Pfizer.⤵️
Afin de tenir responsables ceux qui ont agi en coulisses.
Les choses changent maintenant. Le château de cartes s’effondre et à juste titre.
J’en ai plus qu’assez d’être traitée de "Covidiot".
Ms je préfère largement être une "Covidiote" qu’un “GovIdiot” (idiot du gouvernement⤵️
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#PeterFire near #Anderson in Shasta Co: 10 acres w/ moderate rate of spread & multiple spots out in front, 5 addl engines + 3 water tenders requested, was reported as a structure fire into veg. Peter Pan Gulch Rd & Olinda Rd.
#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - IC reporting 1 structure fully involved & on the ground along w/ 20-30 acres of grass & oak woodland, requested 4 addl handcrews & 2 addl dozers.
#PeterFire (#Anderson, Shasta Co) - IC reporting 50+ acres now, requesting 10 addl engines any type closest. Evacuations in progress, working w/ Sheriff's + Anderson PD, mentioned La Colina Terrace as a starting point for evacs.
Read 17 tweets
🇪🇺L'eurodéputée Christine #Anderson avertit que le traité de l'#OMS sur la pandémie "vise à donner à l'#OMS un pouvoir de gouvernance de facto sur ses États membres en cas de pandémie, sans participation ni consultation des gouvernements ou des parlements nationaux".

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#Omicron will be the dominant COVID-19 variant by mid-#January, EU official says | Dec 15
- Von der #Leyen: “Like many of you, I’m sad that once again this Christmas will be overshadowed by the pandemic,” she said.…
@vonderleyen #WHO/#CDC: Zero #Omicron Deaths In The World | Dec 11
- in #SouthAfrica, scientists say the omicron variant isn't causing ANY #deaths or severe #infections,…
@vonderleyen #Omicron. For the first time in 36 years there will be no #flu season in #SouthAfrica | 07 Aug 2020
- Every year, for the past 36 years, the flu season started around mid-July.…
Read 29 tweets
#TrishaAnderson–once No. 2 lawyer at @FBI’s Office of General Counsel–was involved in all significant events of the Trump campaign counterintelligence investigation.

She knew of the investigation before it officially opened, according to her testimony.…
A transcript of #Anderson’s testimony, which was reviewed for this article, reveals that she read all of @FBI’s FD302 forms detailing information that the author of the #SteeleDossier, former British spy #ChristopherSteele, had provided to high ranking #DOJ official #BruceOhr.
Anderson says she personally signed off on the original application for a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser #CarterPage without having read it.

@FBI relied heavily on the unverified information in the #SteeleDossier to obtain the #FISA warrant. #FISAGate
Read 5 tweets
The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing resentment. Read what the @splcenter & @MaxBlumenthal don't want you to read here:
And download it here:…

"​During his recent tour of Europe, disgraced former Trump strategist Steve Bannon declared “Italy is in the lead.” /1 #antifa #Fascism
Amid the historic resurgence of the Italian far right that returned right-wing populist Silvio Berlusconi to prominence, Bannon fantasized about “the ultimate dream” of unifying the anti-establishment Five Star Movement with the far-right League (formerly the Northern League)- /2
Read 49 tweets

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