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Mar 3rd 2023
Today marks the 316th death-anniversary of Badshāh Muhi-ud Dīn Muhammad #Aurangzeb Alamgīr (R.A.).
His long reign (1658-1707) consolidated the largest and wealthiest land-empire in Indian #history and was arguably the most socially-diverse dispensation to ever rule #India.
Even critics of Aurangzeb (R.A.), such as the historian Sir Jadunath Sarkar concede, "Aurangzeb’s Indian empire was vaster than that of Ashoka, Samudragupta, & Harshavardhan”.

It was in his reign too that #Ladakh was amalgamated into the #Mughal empire.f
The reign of Aurangzeb (R.A.) was based on 3 pillars:

1. Military expansion.
2. Islamic jurisprudence and a centralised justice system.
3. Adherence to his Indo-Timurid heritage.

This helped consolidate his empire, but it also depended on his persona for sustained success.
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