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Feb 3rd 2023

Was this #dogwalker a #whitewoman by any chance?

Because for the life of me, I do not get how all can ignore what happened to #myson #AmbroseGGBall in 8 solid years unless it was @MPSHaringey posting up all the wrong information, wrong days and dates,
the wrong locations, wrong description of clothing , the wrong Fox pub, all different times of the night, leaving out the vital information leading up to during and after my son went @missingpeople, did not response for 56 hours after all the calls myself and others had made over
Read 61 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
The #maga #trumptreason terrorists planned to overturn the electoral vote confirmation, plotted to kill Speaker Pelosi and Mike Pence , they stormed the Capitol and destroyed government property in a failed coup attempt, they killed a Capitol Police officer,
they brought confederate flags to the Capitol among many other abhorrent acts. This is pure domestic terrorism led and encouraged by #trump and people like @joshhawleymo & @sentedcruz & people like @repralphnorman in the House of Representatives.
#republicans #treason #thisisamerica
There will be no talks of healing until they all acknowledge Joe Biden won the election, denounce white supremacy and all of the terrorists and their enablers are charged accordingly. The confederate flag is no better than a swastika.
Read 5 tweets

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