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Oct 5th 2021
#TonisArmy will not let this be buried.

If this case is not addressed, we will not and #DoNotComply with whatever @ukhomeoffice or @WHO has to tell.

#endofchurchage #UnitedNations as it all a system set up by @RoyalFamily #TheQueen as was @BBCOne
and until @Ofcom @CPSUK @MaxHillQC @UKHomeSecretary @UKHouseofLords deals with this #crimenews, there really isn't anything @PoliceChiefs @MHewittNPCC or any member of @MetTaskforce who feels what has been made known is acceptable then as Toni rightly states, we have no
Read 11 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
Out of diesel . Work cancelled rest of the week . Just enough to get truck back to the yard . It’s not getting better it’s getting worse .
I delivered to a building site this morning and the bulldozers were out of diesel !
Plus was meant to take a job to Oxford . Didn’t have the diesel to get there .
Read 4 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
Yes there is.

He had her on his lap, seen without his shirt on in the company of what was clearly a underage girl.
#BorisHasFailedTheNation #KeirStarmerhasfailedthekids when head of @cpsuk helping @ClarenceHouse #PrinceCharles @JimmySavileNews to be buried.

Who is now #leadersdebate of @UKLabour who is attempting to divert you away from @TheDukeOfYork as @KensingtonRoyal carry on as
Read 40 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
So #BorisHasFailedTheNation is an understatement. The intellectual lightweight has decided as Tories always do, to blame someone else for their failures, but when you decide to blame care homes for thousands of avoidable deaths, you've gone too far. #DamoRants #CareHomeScandal
Read 9 tweets

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