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Apr 10th 2020
AT&T has patented the ability to address your brain / body / cells on the Internet. AT&T describes the ability to use a persons brain / thoughts to control aspects of another person over the Internet (i.e. thoughts, motor movements and control)… Image
AT&T has patented the ability to address your brain / body / cells on the Internet. AT&T describes the ability to use a persons brain / thoughts to control aspects of another person over the Internet (i.e. thoughts, motor movements and control)… Image
Read 42 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
USA just discovered the man who manufactured and sold the #coronavirus to #China. Dr #CharlesLieber, head of the chemistry and biology department at #HarvardUniversity, USA. He was just arrested today according to American department sources.
Dr. James Patrick Lewis, of Fairview, West Virginia, has admitted to a fraud charge involving West Virginia University, the Department of Justice announced.…
Read 21 tweets
Mar 24th 2020…

Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
Read 47 tweets

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