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Aug 9th 2022
#AviationMinister @JM_Scindia to CNBC-TV18: The primary responsibility of overseeing safety lies with the DGCA... All #airlines must follow the SOPs with regard to the safety

#CNBCTV18Exclusive Image
#AviationMinister @JM_Scindia to CNBC-TV18: Metro #airports capacity to increase to almost 400 million passengers in next 3-4 years

#CNBCTV18Exclusive Image
#AviationMinister @JM_Scindia to CNBC-TV18: Aviation one of the sectors that has endured through pandemic & seen a V-shaped recovery

#Aviation is a seasonal industry, some dips in business are not surprising

"Very bullish" on the future of #aviation in India

#CNBCTV18Exclusive Image
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Dec 10th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Bound to provide capital adequacy to Star Health Insurance, says Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Hope to do well in future & have hence retained my stake in Star Health
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | There is good succession plan in place in Star Health, says Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
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Jun 1st 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Chief Economic Adviser KV Subramanian (@SubramanianKri): There is ample space for us to look at how the second wave impact is panning out.
We remain absolutely ready to come up with more measures if necessary, he adds later.
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Speaking to stakeholders, we will be ready to come up with more measures; Direct Benefit Transfers have been given in the past and we will look at these again says KV Subramanian.
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @SubramanianKri says, vaccination programme important for the trade, transport, hotel sectors to pick up; Temporary help may be useful and is being thought about w.r.t travel, hotels sectors.
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Apr 29th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @subhrakantpanda says, O2 generation is increasing, more assets like cryogenic tanks are being flown in; Question is where we will see a surge next and need to b ready to redirect our efforts
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @subhrakantpanda says, have pushed for a scheme like the PLI- scheme for vaccine to boost production; Having a jumbo centre in areas with high positivity rates may be counter productive
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @docanoopmisra says, govt letter suggests that from May 1people in 45+ age grp won't get vaccines at pvt hospitals; If there is no vaccine supply in 1-3 weeks of May, a surge of cases may occur
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Apr 27th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @MPNaveenJindal says, everyone in the industry is coming together. We are supposed to supply oxygen to Madhya Pradesh, Maharshtra, Odisha, Telangana. We had made commitment to Delhi NCR region. Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @MPNaveenJindal says, we are improving our efficiency. Govt is also ensuring best way to tackle logistics on oxygen supply Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @MPNaveenJindal says, steel production goes down by 10-15% because of oxygen being used for medical purposes Image
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Apr 23rd 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Prof John M Nicholls, Department of Pathology, Hong Kong University: Hong Kong was able to use masks & social distancing well; don’t see universal mask-wearing in India
#OnCNBCTV18 | @KrutikaKuppalli, Medical University of South Carolina: Covid infections are here to stay; current surge depends on what govt & the communities decide to do
#OnCNBCTV18 | @LawrenceYoung11, Warwick University: Lockdown & vaccine are the most effective way to break chain of transmission; big sacrifice of national lockdown works
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Apr 22nd 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive Tata Steel CEO: Should be able to supply all of Tata Steel's liquid oxygen for medical use by 1st week of May Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive @TataSteelLtd says, challenge right now is that we don't have enough containers to transport liquid oxygen Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive All you need to know about the challenges of using industrial oxygen for medical purposes. Tata Steel CEO explains in an exclusive interview to #CNBCTV18 Image
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Apr 12th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Maximum incremental mortality is only 2% due to #COVID vs Pre-COVID. Hard lockdowns would also cause severe disruptions, says Rajiv Bajaj of Bajaj Auto
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | The cure for #COVID seems to be becoming worse than the disease, says Rajiv Bajaj
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Given to understand that by Wednesday-Thursday, we will know more on restrictions. Don’t know what will happen on dealerships and this is leading to confusion, says Rajiv Bajaj
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Apr 9th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Govt sources: After Serum Institute (SII), Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech seeks Govt support to expand vaccine production.

Inter-ministerial group on #COVID19 vaccine mfg informs govt about the request from Bharat Biotech & SII.

@TimsyJaipuria reports.
#Exclusive Govt Sources: Bharat Biotech seeks govt assistance of Rs 150 cr to enhance production capacity at Bangalore & Hyderabad.

Bharat Biotech may able to produce 1 cr doses per month by end of April 2021.

SII’s current capacity at 6.5 cr vaccine doses per month​.

CNBC-TV18’s email query to Bharat Biotech remains unanswered.

Bharat Biotech has signed pact with govt is to supply 2 crore doses by May

SII has signed pact with govt to supply 10 cr doses by May
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Apr 2nd 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Tarun Bajaj, Revenue Secretary: The revenue collection numbers are still being consolidated but are far better than what we had expected Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Tarun Bajaj, Revenue Secretary: Fiscal Deficit should be lower than what we had estimated Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Tarun Bajaj, Revenue Secretary: Believe the second wave of coronavirus has come; there is not as much panic as there was during the first wave Image
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Feb 24th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Shekhar C Mande, DG, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research: Very welcome step to involve private sector to deliver vaccines
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Shekhar C Mande, DG, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research: Other vaccine candidates awaiting approval; number of vaccines will go up
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Shekhar C Mande, DG, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research: Distribution of vaccines will be decided based on risks, priority groups
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Feb 24th 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | We expect an orderly evolution of the yield curve, it cannot be otherwise, @RBI Governor @DasShaktikanta to @latha_venkatesh
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | No reason to expect that RBI will do less than FY 21's Rs 3 lk cr OMOs in FY22: @RBI Governor @DasShaktikanta to @latha_venkatesh
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Market must remember that the gross borrowing is Rs 12 lk cr but net borrowing is only Rs 9 lk cr: @RBI Governor @DasShaktikanta to @latha_venkates
Read 19 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Would call increase in #COVID cases a surge and not a second wave, says @mybmc Commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal to @ShereenBhan Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | @CMOMaharashtra made it clear ‘we don’t want a lockdown’: BMC Commissioner Iqbal Singh chahal to @ShereenBhan Image
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | New strain of #coronavirus producing 85% asymptomatic patients. Only 108 out of 750 COVID cases reported yesterday need hospitalisation: @mybmc Commissioner Iqbal Singh Chahal to @ShereenBhan Image
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Jan 31st 2020
#CNBCTV18Exclusive | Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Eco Advisor To CNBC-TV18: We have been very apologetic about wealth creation for way too long. In the eco survey we have tried to make a case for markets, privatisation, entrepreneurship
@ShereenBhan @Sapna_CNBC #CNBCTV18Exclusive | Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Eco Advisor To CNBC-TV18: India must seriously look at adopting bilateral netting laws. Large capital locked up in banking system that can be used elsewhere. Bilateral netting laws will open up locked capital, boost derivatives mkts
@ShereenBhan @Sapna_CNBC #CNBCTV18Exclusive | Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Eco Advisor To CNBC-TV18: Made the case that we can allow the market to work when it comes to food prices. Essential commodities act does not always stabilise prices, it can exacerbate the problem
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Mar 14th 2019
#BREAKINGNEWS | 108 economists raise a voice against economic statistics in India; 108 economists & social scientists from across the world raise concern on data credibility
Economic Statistics In A Shambles | The appeal by 108 economists says economic statistics is a public good, vital necessity for policy-making in democracies & for informed public discourse
Economic Statistics In A Shambles | CSO’s revised FY17 GDP estimates appear at variance with evidence marshalled by economists; shot up to 8.2%, the highest in a decade
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