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Não percas hoje na pág 6 do @Publico o artigo de opinião onde explico um pouco o que se pretende com as alterações à lei eleitoral europeia aprovada no @Europarl_PT e a estranha posição da AR de as rejeitar. 🧵(1/9)…
- Permitir #voto aos 16 anos e condições para voto postal e electrónico;
- #paridade género nas listas e critérios de elegibilidade uniformes entre EMs;
-Um novo círculo adicional de 28 eurodeputados a eleger por todos os europeus através de listas transnacionais
As listas transnacionais são equilibradas compostas por cidadãos de qualquer país da UE. São uma das propostas mais centrais do eurodeputado do @VoltEuropa, @d_boeselager, apoiada por uma maioria de @RenewEurope, @GreensEFA, @TheProgressives (S&D) e @EPP.
Read 9 tweets
some people may know, especially @JanetHFife and @Petra20250339 that i went through a 2-year ordeal with my ex-church, all saints margaret street, where i was ejected from the serving team despite receiving praise internationally for my serving, had my access to the sacraments
rejected and effectivey denied all pastoral care, because of 2 autistic meltdowns and suicide attempts that occured in and outside church outside of service hours. despite numerous please from friends and kind strangers, the church refused to show any mery and let me back into
my former church life which were so important to me, autistic comforts. @JanetHFife encouraged me to submit a SAR to the church and this is what we got. after i explained to fr michael, the assistant priest, why the environment and circumstances that day caused the meltdown,
Read 39 tweets
The #ConferenceOnTheFutureOfEurope ends tomorrow with a final plenary adopting recommendations for changing 🇪🇺

The process has been marred by institutional infighting, lack of attention and lowered expectations because leaders are scared of treaty change.
The original idea was to be something like the EU constitutional convention of 2003, with a greater emphasis on ground-up citizen involvement.

But national leaders, still scarred by the constitution-turned-treaty experience of 2005-09, nixed both C words.…
Instead we got a new C word, a "conference".

From the start, the exercise had to move forward a year ago with one hand tied behind its back. Once it started having problems, Macron - who had come up with the idea - effectively abandoned his baby.…
Read 6 tweets
Les panels citoyens belges #COFE ont clôturé leurs travaux virtuellement.

◾️96 recommandations sur le sujet: Comment mieux impliquer les citoyens dans la démocratie européenne?

◾️Publication sur la plateforme numérique cette semaine

5 sujets principaux choisis par les citoyens

1️⃣ Améliorer la communication sur l'UE
2️⃣ Identifier et contrer la désinformation sur l'UE
3️⃣ Les panels citoyens comme outil participatif
4️⃣ Le référendum dans les affaires de l'UE
5️⃣ Les outils participatifs déjà existants dans l'UE
1️⃣ Améliorer la communication sur l'UE

Les citoyens ont principalement formulé des recommandations sur la manière de mieux atteindre les différents groupes cibles. Les ressources pour l'éducation ont également été discutées.
Read 7 tweets
#IICSA #CofE - from a heavy heart & troubled mind, some unfinished thoughts on #risk, #leadership, #abuse & #church.
1. "I am sending you out as lambs among as wise as serpents & as innocent as doves." Too many in #church manage the doves part - high above, unable to imagine such horrible things could be or that X could possibly be guilty. Ignorance is not holiness.
2. Holiness is more knowing, more robust, more active than that - it is the balance of the #dove & the #serpent.
Serpents crawl on the ground, taste the air, sense vibrations, they know when all is not well. If our leaders are truly humble this is the space they will occupy.
Read 14 tweets
1/ Not responded to the #CofE's latest #statement before now because I felt it as a body blow - a blow to those members of the #body of #Christ who God gave me as siblings & with whom I am united, whose pain echoes in me though it is not directly my own - & I needed to breathe...
2/ The #statement is thin paper stretched over a seething mass of different, deeply held #identities, opinions, lives & #loves that stand in #opposition to one another, yet somehow mysteriously #united in #Christ. There are #cracks we cannot paper over, divides staggeringly deep.
3/ I am really hoping this #lawyerly #statement from the church was just a 'holding statement' till the proper review that is coming, made because the law on civil #marriage changing pushed them into saying something because clergy would need guidance straight away..I am hoping..
Read 11 tweets

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