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Jul 4th 2021
1/ Circling back on the #Cosby opinion to focus on one problem: the remedy. So, why not suppress his deposition testimony & remand for retrial? Seems reasonable, and the concurring & dissenting opinion (CDO) pointed it out, but according to the majority...
2/ "Our disagreement with the CDO arises concerning its view that mere suppression of Cosby’s deposition testimony will remedy his constitutional harm and 'fully' restore him to where he stood before he detrimentally relied upon D.A. Castor’s inducement."…
3/ "This perspective understates the gravity of Cosby’s harm in this case, and suppression alone is insufficient to provide a full remedy of the consequences of the due process violation."
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2018
Ladies, a question for you:

"What would you do if all men had a 9pm curfew?"

Dudes: Read the replies and pay attention.

#metoo #Kavanaugh #Cosby #feminism #maleprivilege #privilege
The @DailyDot covered this thread with some of the best responses here:…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 24th 2018
Be careful who you make your heroes. They will almost always let you down.

When Bill Cosby is sentenced today, for only one of the many crimes of which he stands accused, it will be a day of small justice for his victims and their families, and a day of regret for so many.

Growing up in small town America, in a town so small,you almost certainly never heard of it, my very white, insular, and, in many ways typically racist family would gather around on Thursday evenings and do what almost every American family was doing, watch The Cosby Show.

We laughed louder, harder, and longer together watching that show than any show before or since.

Though dated now, especially when considered next to a near contemporary like, say, The Golden Girls, at the time it, and its creator & namesake had their finger on our pulse.

Read 12 tweets
Sep 23rd 2018
I’m on the 🚂 to philly heading to the sentencing of the most infamous rapist of all time Bill #Cosby.

We are hoping to see this criminal walk out in shackles for his 45year+ depraved crime spree of drugging and raping over 60 women.

Watch this space for pics and updates!

Graphics by @FrancescaRizzo Part of a 4 year digital campaign to raise awareness of the names of the human victims of #Cosby’s 45 year drug and rape crime spree.
No one knows all of these survivors’ names.

They aren’t famous, they didn’t “cash in”
By being raped.

Read 4 tweets

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