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Jul 11th 2021
1/? I spent some time last night reviewing my tweets since the start of the #pandemic; several things jumped out but nothing more than how the lack of #antigen case data from @HealthyLivingMo until March understated the situation. #COVID19Missouri #COVID19 #DeltaVariant
@HealthyLivingMo 2/? The first #COVID19Missouri case was March 7, 2020. Officials had been anticipating it and @GovParsonMO & @DrSamPage held a news conference about it #COVID19 #moleg
@HealthyLivingMo @GovParsonMO @DrSamPage 3/? In November, I tracked the progress of #COVID19Missouri cases, showing the reported cases/day on March 14 (1 week later) and the 14th of each month afterward. #COVID19 @HealthyLivingMo #moleg
Read 22 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
@HealthyLivingMo reports 1,639 #COVID19 cases (1,167 PCR & 472 antigent); Full week avg of reported #COVID19MIssouri cases is 1,450/day, up 68.4% from previous week & highest since 1st week of Feb.; dashboard avg of cases thru Wednesday is 1,178/day #DeltaVariant #moleg #mogov
@HealthyLivingMo New #COVID19Missouri cases in 100/117 local health jurisdictions; at least 1 case in 115/117 so far this month; only Reynolds & Scotland w/no new #COVID19 cases; positive rates at 12% PCR, 8% antigen; #moleg #DeltaVariant
@HealthyLivingMo #DeltaVariant surge continues in SW Missouri, SL & KC metro areas; cases in 8-county Branson to Lake of the Ozarks corridor, ID'd as #COVID19Missouri hotspot by @MO_Independent in early June, up 115% for 1st 10 days of July v. last 10 days of June #moleg…
Read 8 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
.@HealthyLivingMo giving #DeltaVariant briefing w/top officials, including acting director Robert Knodell, @RobertKnodell, & George Turabelidze, state epidemiologist; Knodell says 'no requests' for ventilators, staffing support thru @VizientInc contract #moleg #COVID19Missouri
@HealthyLivingMo @RobertKnodell @VizientInc Turabelidze now giving info on #DeltaVariant: "This is the most transmissible variant so far since the beginning of the #pandemic....(it) shows ability to crate problems in highly vaccinated countries." #COVID19Missouri #moleg
@HealthyLivingMo @RobertKnodell @VizientInc Turabelidze: "We are seeing trends of infection moving from rural & small town Missouri to metro areas"; where there are higher vaccination rates; may be less severe. "We do not things to turn around very quickly." #DeltaVariant #COVID19Missouri #moleg #COVID19 @HealthyLivingMo
Read 10 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
BREAKING: @HealthyLivingMo reports 2,160 #COVID19 cases, most since 1/29, as #DeltaVariant spread continues unchecked; 1,544 PCR-confirmed cases, 616 antigen-tested cases; 7-day avg of reported #COVID19MIssouri cases is 1,245/day, up 32% in 7 days & 211% since 6/1 #moleg #mogov
@HealthyLivingMo .@HealthyLivingMo dashboard avg of cases thru Tuesday is 1,108/day, up from 356/day on 6/1. New #COVID19Missouri case in 104/117 local health jurisdictions, most since 1/24; state has reported >1,000 cases on 8 of past 10 days after only 3 w/>1,000 since 2/12 #moleg #DeltaVariant
@HealthyLivingMo St. Charles County seeing biggest #COVID19 surge this month, w/ 119% more cases (318) in past 7 days than in last 7 days of June (145); eastern Jackson County up 55%, St. Louis County up 54%, Kansas City up 43% #COVID19Missouri #DeltaVariant #moleg @HealthyLivingMo
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