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#dbh #reed900
Он двигался с трудом. В голых ступнях застряли осколки стекла. Ноги липкие от крови. Рука повисла плетью, раненная.
Ричарду сложно физически оставаться в сознании, но он продолжает идти.
На нем ни клочка одежды, промозглый холод ударяется о дрожащее тело
В голове только одно торжество - сбежал из плена. Больше не будет болеть испещеренное шрамами и ожогами от бычков тело. Его больше не будут рвать, трахая насухую.
Сломанное плечо, на которое он так неосторожно упал отдает тупой ноющей болью.
Но его глаза не прекращают блестеть
От слез. От надежды и счастья.
Что-то случилось у этих уродов. Кто-то облаву сделал...
Ричард облизывает перепачканные чужой кровью губы и улыбается. Жадно, безумно. Вкусно.
Он перегрыз горло подонку, что его трахал. И сбежал. Быстрее, пока не забрали вновь.
Вкус свободы
Read 9 tweets
#dbh #reed900
Гэвин с трудом разлепил глаза, ощущая движение рядом.
- Что ты творишь? - вяло спросил он напарника, чувствуя, как его теплые руки проникают под одежду.
- Изучаю. Успокаиваю систему. Позволишь?
Ричард утыкался носом в шею, практически лежал на Гэвине
То, что они были в комнате отдыха - рисково. Но Рид слишком уставший, чтобы возразить. Угукнул только, снова закрывая глаза.
Ричард рвано дышал в шею, щупал грудь и бока, просчитал каждое ребро. Это так успокаивало, снова вгоняя в сон.
Гэвин прижал андроида к себе ладонью
Уткнулся в его макушку, вдыхая синтетический аромат. Свеженький. На улице был, похоже.
Ричард потерся о Гэвина всем телом, вздыхая.
- Я испугался сегодня. За тебя.
- Я тоже, жестяночка, - пробубнил Гэвин, - ладно... Давай поспим еще.
Ричард хмыкнул и поцеловал Рида в шею
Read 4 tweets
Не знаю, насколько меня хватит, но первое задание выполнено 😎
Одиннадцатый день. Жесть победила, сори нот сори.
#G9kinktober #dbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #GavinReed #RK900 #900reed #900gavin #reed900
Когда Ричард увидел Гэвина с ярким макияжем на лице, в платье на бретелях, и в туфлях на высоком каблуке, он пожалел, что не избавился от диода, который сейчас заходится жёлтым с красными проблесками.
- Эй, не стрессуй.
Гэвин неловко улыбнулся. Заставил себя расправить плечи.
Read 16 tweets
1/ #DBH -with a Big Sigh: "we've seen over these last few wks a noticeable increase in transmission. I don't need to tell ppl that" (35 min mark vid)
She's right - she doesn't need to tell us - she needs to do something about it! #BCCovid #BCPoli
2/ and goes on (as usual) to blame us.. rather than take responsibility. "Much of it is being driven by our social interactions and amplified by workplaces... fuelling the spread and VOC are making it that much more easy"
#DBH #BCPoli #BCCovid
3/#DBH #BlameGame continues. "Parties, events, people not taking it seriously.. virus is spread by people we are closest to whether we have symptoms or not" (38 min)
Read 5 tweets
I find it curious, that she went on to say (re the hockey team) that " A number of the team came back and spread it to family/work/community"
Wouldn't the same be true for students, teachers, staff at schools - who also return home - and spread it ?
I find it curious, that she went on to say (re the hockey team) that " A number of the team came back and spread it to family/work/community"
Wouldn't the same be true for students, teachers, staff at schools - who also return home - and spread it ?
Here's what I found on the #BCCDC website which Dr Henry says would answer our ?'s re how she knows transmission isn't happening from schools: Image
Read 17 tweets
во всём, что будет происходить далее, винить @AXby46, гугл и отдельно #DetroitBecomeHuman
АУ, все человеки.

предупреждаю, это будет медленно, долго и, возможно, вызовет некоторые желания. Image
Город моторов принято описывать категориями его творений: обращать внимание на непрекращающееся движение транспорта, упоминать звуки работающих и тишину закрытых навеки заводов, сравнивать жителей с винтиками и шестерёнками и расписывать мир мазутом и ржавчиной. Очень поэтично. Image
Но сегодня речь пойдёт о месте, которое хочется описать совершенно иначе.
О месте, лаконичную аббревиатуру названия которого можно трактовать по-разному. Но ни одна предполагаемая трактовка не затронет роскошные булочки Шефа. А зря.
Ведь это именно их история. Image
Read 284 tweets
Some late night, tender #dbh #rk1700 for the soul w/ some angst in the beginning

Unspecified narrator, so it can be either Nines or Connor speaking
The insurmountable weight of the world presses on his shoulders, threatening to crush his chassis under the weight of it all. The anxiety, stress, doubts, and hate gnaw at his plastimetal, a never-ending hunger. He can hear the creaking of his frame in his mind. ⬇️
He feels the burn of the gazes of the people that hate him, fear him, want him dead, or any combination of the three. He will not say it out loud, will keep it close to his thirium pump, be he can't deny it as a fact:

All of it scares him ⬇️
Read 16 tweets
Selamat pagi teman2. Selamat berpuasa, semoga kita senantiasa diberi kesehatan. Saya akan berbagi info dan pengetahuan ttg Dana Bagi Hasil (#DBH), supaya kita punya pemahaman yg utuh dan lebih baik ya. Dg pengetahuan yg memadai, kita bs lbh jernih dan objektif.

Sebuah utas....
Saya tak ingin berkomentar terlalu awal ttg polemik #DBH DKI. Tapi mengajak Anda menyusuri sungai kebijakan dan aturan yg telah belasan tahun mengalir dlm sejarah politik Republik ini. Bicara DBH, bicara otonomi daerah. Maka kita sejenak mundur ke konsep Otda ya.
1> Otda atau desentralisasi adalah mandat konstitusi, diatur di UUD. Kita adalah Negara Kesatuan yg mempunyai Daerah Otonom atau dikenal dg desentralisasi, beda dg Federal dg negara bagian. Meski sdh dirintis sejak 1970-an, desentralisasi menguat saat Reformasi 1998. #DBH
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сижу, никого не трогаю, ̶п̶о̶ч̶и̶н̶я̶ю̶ ̶п̶р̶и̶м̶у̶с̶, любуюсь Гэвином солнышком нашим Ридом... и тут пришла мысль и сделала мне КУСЬ.
я, конечно же, побежала сразу орать в @AXby46, а МЛ оказалась тем ещё провокатором, в общем... Image
#dbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #GavinReed

#ZombieBoy!AU в котором детектив Рид выбирает не самый простой способ бороться с преступностью

(художник я от бога, но, видимо, бог тот - Дионис) Image
когда полиции не удаётся засадить за решетку двуличных мудаков, в чьей вине Гэвин абсолютно уверен, детектив выпускает на улицы Детройта своё альтер-эго и идёт вершить правосудие.
Read 141 tweets


#海宝直人 ImageImage



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So uh, cam-boy Connor isn't the most original idea but after watching a hentai with an exhibitionist lead and really enjoying it I got kinda inspired somehow.
Drabble in the replies.
This was a bad idea. Creepy, to say the least. Something just seemed wrong about it all. Why the hell his coworker even brought it up was to be debated. Why he seemed so adamant for Hank to try it could also be debated. And to think, he thought Gavin hated androids. Maybe
just not everything about them.
Curiosity got the better of the man, and he with a shaky hands, he entered the URL in the address bar.
With the blink of an eye, the site appeared, bringing with it a variety of video feeds and a cavalcade of android faces staring
Read 138 tweets
A beautiful quotation by George MacDonald in David Bentley Hart's #ThatAllShallBeSaved
Sadly not many quotations from George MacDonald appear in this 200 page book but #DBHart does praise George MacDonald many times.
Generally the book is void of quotations in general and I know it's not fair to criticize a book based on what it doesn't say. But where the hell are the references or quotations from Christoph Blumhardt or his father Johann?
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In the Third Meditation (very Cartesian headings) of David Bentley Hart's #ThatAllShallBeSaved, he provides a helpful (yet terse) commentary on Paul's sermon in Roman 9-11 regarding "Jacob I loved, Esau I hated", demonstrating the rejecting of one brother, ultimately saves both.
#DBHart argues that this literary unit with Romans is wrongly used to justify a double judgement with one part being identify as "vessels of wrath" due to ancestral sin, but the loci actually demonstrates the salvation of all through the rejection of one brother
It may be true for Augustine that original sin is a sexually transmitted disease #STD and sin is concupiscence but this is not the reformed tradition's understanding of it. So he is flat wrong to lump Reformed in with this older Catholic dogma.
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David Bentley Hart finally engages with the great Reformed theologian Karl Barth on p. 128 of #ThatAllShallBeSaved
This page follows a long platonic diatribe arguing that NT Greek word for "eternity" does not mean perpetual time without end, and an attempt to reduce eternal torment to a bounded expitory purgatory, scoping down from a life time to a single year or less
And now #DBHart appeals to Karl Barth (CD IV/1) to show the final judgement isn't eternal because it has already occured at Calvary.
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"The God in whom the majority of Christians throughout history have processed belief appears to be evil (at least, judging by the dreadful things they habitually say about him." #DBHart #ThatAllShallBeSaved
David Bentley Hart argues the "broad mainstream" of Christians "not exclusively in the West" … "reconcile" the "repellant notion that all humans are at conception already guilty of a transgression that condemns them justly to eternal separation from God and eternal suffering"
And "in this doctrine's extreme form, every newborn infant belongs to the massa damnata [mass of perdition] hateful in God's eyes from the first moment of existence" #DBHart #DBH
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David Bentley Hart writes that he has "very all patience for this kind of hopeful universalism" represented by Hans Urs von Balthasar
#DBH argues that Christians who hope for universalism believe that God is a "failed creator" if their hope may not be realized #ThatAllShallBeSaved
And pace #DBH to doubt all shall be saved is tantamount to doubting what "God had accomplished in Christ"
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"We should all already know that whenever the terms 'justice' and 'eternal punishment' are set side by side as if they were logically compatible, the boundaries of the rational have been violated." — David Bentley Hart #ThatAllShallBeSaved
"From the perspective of Christian belief, the very notion of a punishment that is not intended ultimately to be remedial is morally dubious (and, I submit, anyone who doubts this has never understood Christian teaching at all)"
#DBH argues that an infinite punishment for a finite sin is immoral
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"Augustine of Hippo … refered to such persons [universalists] as misericordes, 'the merciful-hearted'" — David Bentley Hart #ThatAllShallBeSaved
According to #DBH, Basil of Caesarea reports that the majority of Christians were universalists and believed hell was a purgatory (pace 1 Cor 3) and not eternal. And #universalism was common place in the first half of the first christian millenium. #ThatAllShallBeSaved
#DBH says the arguments against #universalism are predictable and sophomoric. He says the clear language of scripture does not in fact oppose universalism, nor was it condemned as heretical by the 5th ecumenical council.
Read 12 tweets
@mintsui The team was quieter than usual. The mission hadn't gone as planned; one of them had gotten hurt. He was alive and stable, but the others were worried.
Not 60, though. He wasn't worried. He couldn't worry.
A hand fell on his shoulder. "Good job out there," said Captain Allen.
@mintsui 60 frowned. "Owens got hurt." Why was the Captain telling him he'd done well when he'd failed?
"You kept him from getting killed," said the Captain. He was watching 60's face in a way that most people didn't. Most people let their eyes slide over him.
"I should have done better."
@mintsui The words came out too loud. 60 could hear the frustration in his voice. The heat gathering in his chassis and the red behind his eyes grew worse.
Suddenly he realized that the others were gone. It was just the two of them, the Captain's hand strangely heavy on his shoulder.
Read 48 tweets

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