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Feb 19th 2023
A @WorkSafeBC #covid19bc claim must demonstrate higher exposure at work vs daily life so you must list exposures from: gym, worship, friends &family. Effectively, by removing #maskmandate , #PHO has undermined *every* WS claim unless we forego ALL socials outside of work 1/
@WorkSafeBC ....Effectively a claim can be denied due to Public health removing public protections &workers who have ANY social life, who does not receive *meds* (paxlovid? few workers eligible) & who does not personally mask up consistently...oh AND family members 2/
@WorkSafeBC But note, this claim form is also telling us that sports, gyms & workplaces where non household people gather socially ( where? like restaurants? pubs?) are full of #covid19bc & you,the worker must show that you take precautions in that social realm ...reposting image 3/ worksafe screening questionnaire from   https://www.worksafe
Read 16 tweets
Jul 27th 2022
FINALLY !! A return to normalcy.. #breakfast @ old Lou Che Fong Kopitiam.. now called May Mei Cafe ..
#BeeHoonMee & #KoayTeowBeeHoon @ RM2/each .. #BahKuaEgg @ RM3.50 .. #WhiteCoffeeIce @ RM2.60 😁👍🏻😋 .. #Penang #PenangFood #PenangHawker Image
It's going to be a good sunny 🌞 Thursday morning ahead, in #Penamg !! Image
Alamak !! Typo #Penang .. not # Penamg 😂
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
Hi #bced, can we talk about language for a minute? There's a lot of confusion tonight about the public health order for phased restart. Dr Henry said 'children of essential workers and those with special needs' can return next week. 1/?
And then later, @JM_Whiteside referenced students who may need a bit of extra help, and said that 'schools will be open for students whose parents are health care workers and for those students with support needs who require care.' 2/?
She said that parents should reach out to their school principal to make arrangements. But the website says districts will reach out to you. (We advise you to reach out by the way). 3/?
Read 19 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
@prof_nch Unfortunately, #BC #PHO made a ministerial exemption for profs/presenters/lecturers to unmask while teaching if they maintain a 2m barrier or are behind ‘a barrier’. I have objected to this not only on the science but also on the ethics.
@prof_nch When faculty colleagues signaled their unmasking exemption interests via email—I pointed out the power bias of STUDENTS being put in the position to police faculty for maintaining 2m—which is a LOT farther than people think. Brought in a 2m cardboard tube to demo to my students.
@prof_nch I sent 2nd email with the Marin County #US @CDCgov case study where temporarily unmasked teacher infected 1/2 a masked, distanced class with air filtration, open windows & doors—& provided a color coded image of class chart on pg 2…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
@Buckleygkml @ctv_shannon TY @Buckleygkml . You really got me thinking/studying - role/job of PHO vs MOH. Just a couple of things b4 I get to main thoughts.
a. True I don't hold current PHO in high esteem; Perhaps my cynicism was showing and translated as spite. 1/
@Buckleygkml @ctv_shannon 2/ b.I had assumed (perhaps wrongly... we'll get to that).. that a PHO, by definition, would know the numbers/extent of health care workers in #BC. Esp. since PHO had just announced (vax) mandate affecting every one of them.
@Buckleygkml @ctv_shannon 3/ It just seemed logical to me - that in considerations leading up to + resulting in mandating new regulations; a significant aspect of such decisions, would be knowing who would be affected- ie: to whom the mandate applies
Read 19 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
@Carol13 @dockevinmcleod Hi Jazzy. You hit the nail on the head. #BCGov #PHO #MOH are *not* giving us info. I believe nurses who tell us they are *over* whelmed. Protests should be aimed at those making the regs. Why target those who are working so hard to care for everyone/vaxxed or not. 1/
@Carol13 @dockevinmcleod 2/Think about it - someone who refuses vax for no reason except "my body/my right" are protesting the very people who are trying to help everyone. If one of us has heart attack/or needs emer. surgery or care for any reason - there is no beds/no staff.
@Carol13 @dockevinmcleod 3/ Did you hear how Saanich Hospital closed it's emerg. dept because no staff?…
Read 6 tweets
May 26th 2021
#BC ought to be grateful for work of @PennyDaflos asking hard questions & keeping officials accountable to truth & science during #COVID19 👉👉…
#DrBHenry gaslit #BC that she would ‘follow the science’: “Responses from British Columbia officials are part of a damning analysis on the reluctance by public health to acknowledge the airborne transmission of #COVID19 despite scientific consensus on the matter.”
#DrBHenry @adriandix & #BC #PHO ongoing refusal to recognize the primary transmission route of #COVID19 by #aerosol mechanism surely hobbled #BC response—to what extent & cost —ultimately in lives lost, #longCOVID, trauma, suicides, etc. have yet to be determined
Read 5 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
I find it curious, that she went on to say (re the hockey team) that " A number of the team came back and spread it to family/work/community"
Wouldn't the same be true for students, teachers, staff at schools - who also return home - and spread it ?
I find it curious, that she went on to say (re the hockey team) that " A number of the team came back and spread it to family/work/community"
Wouldn't the same be true for students, teachers, staff at schools - who also return home - and spread it ?
Here's what I found on the #BCCDC website which Dr Henry says would answer our ?'s re how she knows transmission isn't happening from schools: Image
Read 17 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Dear colleagues,

When the government first announced their K–12 restart plan on July 29, the @bctf expressed significant concerns that the plan needed more work. 1/…
#bced #bcpoli
Since that time, @bctf leadership has been working with the government’s steering committee to raise awareness of the plan’s shortcomings. In addition, 25 of our teaching colleagues have been raising concerns & solutions on the working groups to make the plan better. 2/
While some positive changes have been made, some of our biggest concerns have yet to be addressed. The @bctf will also be holding a Special Representative Assembly on August 28 where reps from every local will meet to further discuss the Federation’s strategy. 3/
Read 12 tweets

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