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Aug 7th 2020
Daulat Beg Oldie: 16,696 feet. India's remotest yet most strategic outpost. Beyond what is called "Gateway to Hell'. We have the bravest of the brave protecting our national interest & keeping #IndiaFirst. Visiting the land of Our Braves is pilgrimage. Inspirational. #IndiaFirst. Image
Heartfelt gratitude to our ever smiling, extremely hospitable brave warriors in inhospitable terrain #Karakoram & an extremely dedicated, talented cameraperson @kirpals68569684 fellow traveler on this 255 kms journey to #DBO. I am overwhelmed by the response to our Special Report Image
90% respondents @IndiaToday spoke to were in favour of boycotting Chinese products in response to Chinese transgressions at #LAC. #Galwan (No, that is not India's only response to Chinese treachery) Read @IndiaToday for #MoodOfTheNation. Big focus on @PMOIndia response to #China. Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 4th 2020
I read Chinese actions in #Ladakh as a significant trespass across the #LAC aimed at gaining tactical advantage and strategic depth in certain vantage points along the LAC as for 1/n
e.g Depsang Plain (a wide unimpeded plateau) that offers access to the #AksaiChin as also in reverse to areas on our side, #Galwan Valley (commanding heights over the Darbuk-#Shyok-#DBO Road), #Pangong Tso 2/n
But not a fresh territorial dispute over new areas of the UT of Ladakh (where they are already in possession of the Aksai Chin and areas south and east of Kongka La plus the Shaksgam Valley illegally ceded by Pakistan) 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
1/n #SunTzuWithMe Everyone has heard about Sun Tzu. ‘Art of War’ must have sold millions of copies. 2500 years and it still hits bulls eye!! I will, over a period, take you through what exactly did he write and how does it effect us, governance, business and life? Contd...
2/n #SunTzuWithMe 2500 yrs back he pointed out a BIG FLAW in Chinese Army. Officers in Administration studied ‘military tactics’ late in service and came to command while actual military officers could never reach highest levels. FAMILIAR?? NSA? DefSecy? Cadre Offrs? IPS?
3/n #SunTzuWithMe These people without experience ‘directed operations’ in time of war while experienced military officers executed. This system brought disaster to the Army. What he write then can be seen today. #Galwan Do not play with organisation is the simple lesson.
Read 56 tweets

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