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Apr 3rd 2023
#Trump Leaves #Florida Home to #Surrender to Charges in #NewYork | Mar 3
- “The #Corrupt DA has no case," Trump said on Truth Social, of the Manhattan DA prosecuting the case. “What he does have is a venue where it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a #FairTrial.…
Date typo: Last Updated: APRIL 03, 2023, 22:02 IST
#MAGA supporters line the streets of #PalmBeach and protesters swarm NY ahead of his arraignment TOMORROW
- His campaign managers #Wiles, and #LaCivita, as well as sr adviser #Miller, and spokesman #Cheung were traveling with him, along with his son #Eric.…
Read 30 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
Opinion Editorial: Time For Change at the #Courthouse
In the flurry of enthusiasm for top of the ticket candidates, in 2018 #Democrats voted overwhelmingly straight ticket in #HarrisCounty. Unfortunately, officeholders doing a good job were swept out in the wave—replaced by (1)
...less than optimum alternatives. Witness how quickly two separate County #Clerks resigned or did not seek reelection, mainly due to errors and incompetence regarding multiple elections under their charge. Witness the judges who fail to run timely dockets, leaving plaintiffs (2)
and defendants languishing for years to see justice—including several judges who haven’t held a single trial since taking office! Witness further the dramatic rise in crime due to a misapplication of the fundamentals to practical #criminaljustice reform and non-functioning (3)
Read 15 tweets

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