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Aug 30th 2022
1/ Using AI to generate fashion

After a bunch of experimentation I finally got DALL-E to work for video by combining it with a few other AI tools

See below for my workflow -

#dalle2 #dalle #AIart #ArtificialIntelligence #digitalfashion #virtualfashion
2/ First I used DALL-E to generate outfits. I did this by erasing parts of my existing outfit and inpainting over it

Btw when I erased the entire outfit, the results didn't look as good. By keeping parts of the original, DALL-E was able to better match color and lighting
3/ But here’s the challenge. DALL-E works great for individual pictures, but it’s not designed for video. It won’t give you consistency from frame to frame.

Here was my early experiment. See, no consistency between frames
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Jun 23rd 2022
📍🧵 THREAD #Creator #DigitalFashion

We partner with footwear creators (designers and brands) to pave the way for the next-gen sneakers and design the future of footwear. During the @drp_ville festival we showcase and highlight 3 of our creators 👇
1/ Redd Smith

He's a footwear designer based in Bristol 🇬🇧 He's exploring the bridge between virtual and physical sneakers by designing in #VirtualReality and using the disruptive 3D printing tech of @TheZellerfelds Redd is currently designing footwear at @GravitySketch ✍️ Image
👟 His model on our booth is the “Regenerate”. Inspiration for this concept came from the way plants and trees generate growth around man-made objects such as railings and walls.

He will be present on our booth Saturday June 25th. Image
Read 10 tweets
Nov 21st 2021
0/ One of the most exciting and underappreciated areas in this #Metaverse moment is #digitalfashion

I believe that digital fashion sales will exceed physical fashion sales in my lifetime driven by at least 5 converging trends

a 🧵
1/ #Digitalfashion Driver 1

Increasing hours and attention online

"People spend their $ where they spend their attention" - @rdavidmullins, founder of @AgletApp
2/ Post-pandemic, the avg person spends 6+ hours per day online & rising (#zoomers avg more than 10)

No surprise that eCommerce sales increased to over 20% of total retail sales during the #COVID19 lockdown. While this number returned to around 14% in Q12021, the trend remains
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