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Feb 1st 2023
1/ Quick thread - about #GLSDB
as i was watching all day long (and witnessing maintenant sur @LCI) few things that are not true or approximate and or "disturbing" because implying false conclusions.
Here for some explanations & some more thoughts about the subject
here we go...
2/ First of all you certainly all know by now the material we are talking about and it will certainly be officially given to #Ukraine by Friday as explained by US officials.
but here to start with the subject a good (visual & specs) reminder from Chuck
3/ So today i've seen (i should say as usual...) some maps representations showing the "limits" that the famous #GLSDB could reach and that one below was showed by a lot of "good" account out there.

- So first of all and as explained several times, it is quite disturbing to see
Read 34 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
1/ Wooow just getting back on twitter and this..
"Moooooorning Vietnam!"
i guess the dday is gonna be full of "memes"!
also the attack seems huge but only few missiles on right ammo depot can produce this effect.
#Dzhankoy #Crimea
2/ Gawd this mushroom icon is so "fun" to watch when it's on a #Russian military base..
on another vid there is one hit and after the main explosion, there is a chain of subsequent ones.
also the place is a very important place for railroad terminals & warehouses
3/ #Djankoï #Джанкой is actually a relativiely small city of 36k inhabitants but a very vey important railroad nods and with some very important strategic warehouses because of that.
This could another MAJOR blow (pun intended) to Ru in #crimea
Morale will collapse there.
Read 37 tweets

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