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Oct 9th 2020
Jumping from the #LEADatStanfordMed Diversity and Inclusion Forum to the @StanfordWellMD Physician #Wellness Forum... Today, we'll be doing a journal club!

#doctorsarehumanstoo #whatdoctorslooklike
On the first paper:
820 physicians and 57 leaders took the survey
As an aside, there are more men than women in #leadership positions in this study.

Burnout score, professional fulfillment score, self valuation score among leaders, and their wellness scores.

Role model effect. No associations between leaders' scores of burnout, professional fulfillment and self-valuation with the same outcomes for those who they supervised.

Sleep impairment, however, shows an association.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
We're so excited to welcome Dr. @Kanapicki at the @StanfordWellMD as she shares some life hacks and productivity tools: "1,440 minutes: Time Management tools for the busy physician"

#efficiencyofpractice #cultureofwellness
What true successful managers value is time. We can never get back TIME.

Where are your minutes going? YOu can't trust your head when it comes to time.
Write down where is your time going.

If you had 2 more hours a day, how would you want to use it? <--GOAL
We get about 63.5 interruptions a day.
It takes ~20 minutes to get back to your task at hand.


Here's how.

Also, find out how much time you use on your phone, and know where all your minutes are going.
--These could signal interruptions
Read 14 tweets

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