Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #endwildlifemarkets

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Jun 16th 2020

Wildlife has been linked to the outbreak of #COVID19 🐾😷

This has led to calls on social media for changes in how #wildlifetrade is managed

How has this link between #wildlife and #COVID__19 changed the #twitter discourse on wildlife trade? 🧐
2/6 #SSWGTC20 #MarSocSci

How has interest in wildlife trade changed?🧐🐾

🗓️ 2019 ¦ 2020
📣 Tweets: 7,553 ¦ 32,806
🔁 Retweeted: 42,325 ¦ 132,607
❣️Avg Sentiment: -0.48 ¦ -0.74
🐦 Unique Users: 4,975 ¦ 19,810
🌍Unique countries: 99 ¦ 140
3/6 #SSWGTC20

How have the topics discussed changed? 🗣️🤷

🔝 2019 ¦ 2020
#wildlife ¦ #wildlife
#iwt ¦ #coronavirus
#conservation ¦ #covid19
#wildlifecrime ¦ #china
#trade ¦ #endwildlifemarkets
Read 7 tweets

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