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May 12th 2022
A thread of the 'top' universities in #REF2021 ranked by their #GenderPayGap and #EthnicityPayGap. The UK university median gender pay gap is 14.7%; the UK university median ethnicity pay gap is 9%.
#REFresults #REF
1. Loughborough University. This university has a median gender pay gap of 31.3% and a median ethnicity pay gap of 11.1%.

2. University of Exeter. This university has a median gender pay gap of 21.7% and a median ethnicity pay gap of 12%.

#REFresults #REF2021
3. University of Lancaster. This university has a median gender pay gap of 21.6% and doesn't report its median ethnicity pay gap.

4. University of East Anglia. This university has a median gender pay gap of 21.6% and doesn't report its median ethnicity pay gap data.

Read 18 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
1/ @BMA_Consultants reject proposals for a new clinical excellence award scheme. Find out why here 👇…
2/ @BMA_Consultants were determined to address the current inequity in the scheme - something that has been shown to contribute to the #GenderPayGap and the #EthnicityPayGap.
3/ @BMA_Consultants secured some improvements:

✅LTFT consultants can get a full award
✅Choose from 3/15 areas of excellence not forced to complete 5/5 that may not fit your scope of practice
✅All consultants engage with the scheme and can achieve a Level 1 award each year
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
@PriyamvadaGopal They been #gaslighting us with statistics showing 0.02% improvement, getting a #Diversity Award fancy venue, picture in press. All the while there is no perceptible change in our lived experience because they own what is ‘knowledge’ & it ain’t lived #BAME experience. @CIPD_Policy
@PriyamvadaGopal First our individual lived experiences are ignored, fragmented into individualised experiences not a whole systemised thing so we doubt our own eyes & ears, sanity. We becme invisible then dehumanised in2 statistics with no names 2save them looking in2 our eyes & seeing our pain.
Read 7 tweets

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