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Nov 7th 2020
18) Jessica Rudd, Kevin's daughter, loves Bluey too. Again, what are the odds? K Rudd himself tweeted about family dog Abby dying recently, vlogged about "dog shots" etc. And there are those pooch-tweets from Labor *illuminaries*:… Image
19) Check out her profile. Very pro-#Biden. Like dad, hanging out for Trump to leave Whitehouse. She's Aussie, so having #USAElection themed profile significant. Check out shirt on one of the women in banner picture. 🧐 Hmm. Design looks familiar. 🤔 Image
20) And maybe the "Joe" in tweet from the dude who I thought was the *actual* creator of Bluey is an allusion to #JoeBiden?
Read 73 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
1) Just had a look thru Malcolm Turnbull's Twitter feed. Noticed that he retweeted a post related to the toon dog Bluey by its creator Daley Peterson. He's an Aussie cartoonist and the show is on Disney. #Auspol #dogcomms Image
2) Nothing unusual about that but I found it interesting because Julia Gillard tweeted about the show recently also. She even read from one of Daley Pearson's books. It was one of several canine-themed tweets from Labor pollies.… #symbolism #Auspol Image
3) What are the odds two globalist former PMs would promote same #Disney kids' canine cartoon character weeks apart? Dinkum fans, or is something else at play? Gotta ask, esp since globalist former PM Kevin Rudd's been vlogging about "dogshots".
Read 164 tweets

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