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Mar 21st 2022
Como lo Predije desde el año Pasado, El candidato de URIBE sería uno de estos 3👇, el escogido fue FICO, quien desde el inicio era el favorito de Uribe.

Ahora les contaré como tratará Uribe de lograr que vayan 2da Vuelta y ahí ganarle a Petro.
Abro Hilo 🧵👇
Personalmente me di cuenta que @FicoGutierrez sería el candidato de Uribe, en el momento en que salió el pliego de acusaciones por Hidrohituango.

El que Fico no apareciera siendo el mayor responsable, era prueba reina de la protección que le estaba dando URIBE. “El Ungido”
En 2014 Uribe hizo la misma jugada, puso a @jcvelezuribe como el candidato oficial del CD, pero todo fue una Payasada, el verdadero candidato era @FicoGutierrez, quien siempre le demostró ser Leal, Obediente y Servil. 👇🧵(Sigue)
Read 21 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
1. A thread on hacking your #FICO credit score. A brief run down on how I went from 540 (in 2010) to a perfect 850 in three years.

Likes, follows and retweets appreciated if you find this valuable. 👇👇👇

#credit #lifehacks #creditrepair #credithacks
2. Credit matters... a lot. It affects your ability to qualify for life's necessities (finding a rental, buying a home or car, or even getting a 5% discount at Target with their store card). It also affects your psychology. Having bad credit can make you feel like a loser.
3. Getting denied for an apartment rental, or having your card declined when buying groceries is embarrassing. It feels bad.

Cheap psychology and life hack: fix your credit.

It is a lot easier to be successful in life when you feel confident. Success is a state of mind.
Read 51 tweets
Nov 15th 2020
#StatiGenerali: Vito #Crimi legge l'introduzione con un pessimo audio a una platea di - letteralmente - avatar. #siamoaltop
#StatiGenerali: Conte non si sente, ci sono problemi di audio. Evidentissima l'organizzazione di #Casaleggio.
#StatiGeneraliM5S: #Crimi costretto alla supercazzola riempitiva davanti letteralmente al nulla finto.
Read 78 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
A me piace trarre dagli eventi spunti di riflessione. E uso Twitter per condividerli.
Prima considerazione, o meglio quesito, è quanto e per quanto tempo saremo disposti a barattare la ns. #salute con le ns. #libertà?…
Il secondo è in che misura, per lo stesso motivo, accetteremo l'intrusione delle #tecnologie nella nostra privacy?…
Il terzo, che racchiude entrambi i precedenti, è: stiamo assistendo a un fenomeno temporaneo, destinato a rientrare con la fine dell'#emergenza, o ci stiamo abituando a farci erodere spazi di #democrazia?

Pensiamo alle recenti dichiarazioni di #Fico.…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 12th 2019
My first approved credit card had a $500 limit. That same car today has a $50,000 limit. Here’s how I did it (not to be taken as advice!):
In the early stages of my building credit my score was impacted by delinquent student loan payments (30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 120 day) which I knew were going to be on my report for 7 years (yikes). I had to navigate around these delinquencies as much as I could.
I decided to take an aggressive approach to credit building. First of all I brought my student loan payments current. Secondly I made sure I paid my credit card on time every month, more than the minimum AFTER the bill would post a “statement balance” (major 🔑)
Read 23 tweets

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