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May 11th 2021
遂に今日を迎えました。これまでのデモは #看護の日 に向けて実施されてきましたが遂に当日を迎えました。 #東京五輪 の為の身勝手な看護師「確保」要請だけでなく。労働者としての待遇の改善、医療を強化するための抜本的な支援。 #看護師たちに再び看護の喜びを 取り戻せるように。
Today, on #InternationalNursesDay, medical workers union @irouren will be launching another #twitterstorm recalling the epitome of #FlorenceNightingale ‘s philosophy that #NursingShouldNotBeASacrifice The demo will start at 2:00pm JST. Please unite with them in solidarity.
These are what each of the tags stand for:
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2021
Tomorrow, on #InternationalNursesDay, medical workers union @irouren will be launching another #twitterstorm recalling the epitome of #FlorenceNightingale ‘s philosophy that #NursingShouldNotBeASacrifice The demo will start at 2:00pm JST. Please unite with them in solidarity. Image
For foreigners, these are what the tags stand for:

#看護の日 👉 #InternationalNursesDay
#看護師の五輪派遣は困ります 👉Nurses Say NO to Olympics Dispatch
#看護は自己犠牲じゃない👉Nursing Is NOT an Act of Self-sacrifice
#100日後に一揆する看護師 👉Nurses WILL REVOLT in 100 Days Image
Related tags:

#看護師に定期pcr検査もせず五輪かよ 👉No regular PCR testing for nurses but still dispatch them toOlympics?
#看護師の五輪派遣に反対します 👉AGAINST dispatching nurses to Olympics
#看護師に再び看護の喜びを 👉 #EveryNurseDeservesDelightsOfLife

Any idea welcome! Image
Read 5 tweets
May 12th 2020
Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale and throughout the day we will be posting a thread about her influence on the world of statistics. #Nightingale2020
She is credited with developing a form of the pie chart now known as the polar area diagram, also known as the Nightingale Rose, which made multiple comparisons on one diagram possible.
Nightingale's most famous two graphics included an illustration of what she called the "loss of an army" in Crimea, as well a comprehensive statistical study of sanitation in Indian rural life. #Nightingale2020 #FlorenceNightingale
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2020
1/8 Today marks the beginning of #NationalNursingWeek, when we take the opportunity to recognise & acknowledge the important role that nurses play in shaping & humanising development and delivery of health services. #Nurses2020
2/8 We all know that nurses deliver expert care with that special power of nurturing and we are very aware of the many sacrifices they have made to be there for their patients in every area of healthcare during the #COVID19 crisis.
#NationalNursingWeek #Nurses2020
3/8 #Nurses’ expertise and impact goes far beyond this, spanning every area of health services, from education, development of standards and guidelines, delivery of public health programs like vaccination... #NationalNursingWeek #Nurses2020
Read 8 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
He tenido que hacerme esta patética foto con #snapchat para que lo entendáis de una vez.
1- La #enfermería no puede vincularse eternamente a lo feminino, por suerte somos #CadaVezMasIguales
Trabajo con enfermerOs grandísimos profesionales.

Abro #HiloTerapia 😠
2- Harta de que nos relacionéis siempre con el erotismo y la sensualidad, harta de machismos gratuitos. Las guardias de doce horas no se aguantan con los labios pintados de rojo, doy fe.
3- La cofia. Este ya es un tema vergonzoso. No pertenece a nuestro uniforme, al igual que no es obligatorio llevar falda. Eso es de la época de #FlorenceNightingale
(Enfermera y activista social)
Decidme, a cuántos sanitarios veis con cofia actualmente?
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