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Mar 1st 2022
According to the students, with each passing day, things are getting worse. In the first few days, they could hear only gunshots.…
One of Modi’s fiercest critics, West Bengal CM #MamataBanerjee extended her ‘unconditional support’ to the PM while keeping aside ‘domestic disagreements’ in this period of crisis.
"The main assurance for the safety of Indian students in Ukraine can only be given by Putin,” #Ukraine’s Ambassador to New Delhi Igor Polikha said.…
Read 169 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
#PayTmIPO #Paytm This will be a long tweet but worth your time it will help your investment decisions.
Before comments on #paytm I will rewind to 2008 I was heading institutional broking of large broking house with half a million clients and over 2000 offices across India,
Largest public issue #Rpower #reliance brand untill that point most trusted company among retail investors, IPO band was between ₹400-450 company wanted me to promote this issue, my answer was clear NO, I did not see any fundamentals matching I simply said #rpower has no fuse
Close to 14 years period of vanavas of lord ram still the share is trading around ₹14.
“The more you want something to be true, the more likely you are to believe a story that overestimates the odds of it being true” ~M Housel
Markets were at the peak when issue came and by end
Read 19 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
#GooglePay taken down from #AppleAppStore, some users might experience payment failures…

By @jainrounak Image
The #GooglePay app has been temporarily taken down from the #AppleAppStore. When users search for the Google Pay app on App Store, the search results show its competitors like #PhonePe and #Paytm.
According to #Google, the app has been taken down temporarily to fix an issue. An update will be issued soon with a fix.

#GooglePay #AppleAppStore
Read 6 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
@ripul here is another instance from my personal experience. I heard my friends saying that they don't want group bulk money transfers in their account due to tax reasons.
@jennylg saw your UX Researcher post on Linkedin. Thought you might be interested in this thread.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2018
2/ account, 2 credit card and 2 e-wallet with some offers and discounts. Everyone want to collect mile points, credit card points and best credit card discount available for transactions. We need to book 10 flight tickets to destination A, 10 train tickets to destination B, 10
3/ return flight tickets. Apart from that we are booking 5 rooms in destination A for which randomly 5 friends will pay. The other 5 friends will pay for the booking of rooms in Destination B. How could we join our Trip accounts together to make a group and then pay for the
Read 4 tweets

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