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Nov 21st 2021
What if stocks could talk to each other? 🤔
- but, only through memes 😉

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#SBI to #YesBank - Image
#AdaniGroup to #ITC -
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Nov 19th 2021
Jaspal Bhatti could foresee the future 😂
Part 2
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Nov 10th 2021
#PayTmIPO #Paytm This will be a long tweet but worth your time it will help your investment decisions.
Before comments on #paytm I will rewind to 2008 I was heading institutional broking of large broking house with half a million clients and over 2000 offices across India,
Largest public issue #Rpower #reliance brand untill that point most trusted company among retail investors, IPO band was between ₹400-450 company wanted me to promote this issue, my answer was clear NO, I did not see any fundamentals matching I simply said #rpower has no fuse
Close to 14 years period of vanavas of lord ram still the share is trading around ₹14.
“The more you want something to be true, the more likely you are to believe a story that overestimates the odds of it being true” ~M Housel
Markets were at the peak when issue came and by end
Read 19 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
One 97 Communications — the parent company of digital payments giant #Paytm has launched its ₹18,300 crore ($2.4 billion) initial public offering (IPO)

#PayTmIPO #IPO #StockMarket
One 97 Communications — the parent company of digital payments giant #Paytm — launched its ₹18,300 crore ($2.4 billion) initial public offering (IPO) on Monday, at a price band of ₹2,080-₹2,150 per share.

The lot size has been set at six shares, which means that a lot would cost ₹12,900 at the upper price band. It will close for subscription on Wednesday, November 10, and the allotment will be announced on November 15.

The listing date has been set at November 18.

Read 9 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
1/ There are few companies that fundamentally change consumer behavior.

@Flipkart re-defined how we shop. @zomato changed the way we ate. @Olacabs did so with how we commute. However, the most significant shift was to the way we transacted.

@Paytm pioneered digital payments.
2/ @vijayshekhar is an unconventional entrepreneur who proved that heart and effort can take you to dizzying heights of success and glory. He has become iconic to Indian #entrepreneurship.
3/ PayTM started as One97 Communications Limited in 2000. For years they offered mobile content, messaging, commerce services, and made-to-order network applications and became India’s leading Mobile Value Added Service Company.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
#PayTmIPO – Long Thread:
There is a new game in town. The rules are “well laid out” by VCs – Report just 3 yr financials, blame flat sales since 2019 on covid, pick consultants to project fancy story, price IPO at 45 times sales, create scarcity of “limited offer” of 12% shares”
12% stake sale ~matches the “principal investment” by VCs. Oh, by the way, get some tranches of funding just before IPO that values your company closer to issue price. It’s like you buying your own house again for 2x price. May not work for you but somehow seems to work for VCs.
Now rope in mutual funds with 75% of this scarce offering (SIP money will go somewhere after all) & leave retail scrambling for 2.5% stake of a brand that is now a “household name”. Get brokerage firms & YouTube advisors to keep pumping story with same broken records from DRHP.
Read 25 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
#PayTmIPO | As of June 30, serve 337 million customers through the Paytm super app, says Vijay Shekhar Sharma, MD & CEO, One97 Communications.
Brand value for Paytm is estimated at Rs 47,250 crore, says Vijay Shekhar Sharma. #PaytmIPO
Not seeing anything bright enough for us to buy right now, says Vijay Shekhar Sharma. #PayTmIPO
Read 6 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
#PayTmIPO a cursory glance

Revenue growth rate is mediocre/stagnant.

Let's dig deeper to see if we can find any redeeming qualities. Image

Marketing expenses have gone down. All other recurring expenses are constant. Image
#PayTMIPO It's still in losses but the losses have subsided a bit. Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2021
#Exclusive: @Paytm ropes in @GoldmanSachs, @jpmorgan as bankers for upcoming IPO ⁠— there may be more along the way


By @Krittiiii Image
@Paytm @GoldmanSachs @jpmorgan @Krittiiii Digital payments giant #Paytm has appointed #GoldmanSachs and #JPMorgan as merchant bankers for its upcoming initial public offering (IPO), a source aware of the development told Business Insider.

@Paytm @GoldmanSachs @jpmorgan @Krittiiii The fintech startup is looking to file its draft red herring prospectus (DRHP) with market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in July, and expects to make its debt in the public market by November 2021.

#Paytm #PaytmIPO
Read 6 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
💡 @Paytm's $3 Billion IPO plan is going to be the biggest in the history of the Indian share market. 💡

@Paytm the brainchild of Vijay Shekhar Sharma.

Check out how Paytm became an E-payment giant from a small startup. 👇

#Paytm #PayTmIPO
The beginning

Started in august 2010 in Noida, UP with the initial investment of $2 million by its founder, Vijay Shekhar Sharma. Paytm began off as a prepaid mobile and DTH recharge platform, and later added data card, postpaid mobile, and landline bill payments in 2013.
The funding

Paytm received its first funding of $10 million from Sapphire Ventures in its parent organization One97 Communications Ltd.

In 2015 for a huge stake Alibaba Group affiliate took 40% stock in Paytm as part of a strategic agreement.
Read 14 tweets

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