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Feb 18th 2019
(1/3) Stop complaining about the average #TaxRefund being down nearly $200. This simply means, the taxes you paid to the govt last year outweighed the benefits you received from them by just $200.
(2/3) The #GOPTaxPlan reduced witholdings, which means you received MORE each paycheck, because the govt was taking less.
(3/3) If you were banking on a large #TaxRefund this year and are now finding yourself in a financial bind, I question how well you planned financially (maybe you should have been saving those extra earnings in each paycheck).
Read 3 tweets
Feb 5th 2018
#TrumpTaxPlan #GOPTaxPlan
- US population: 326766748 (2017 US census)
- Rounding UP: 330000000
- because we love math: 3.3*10^8
- One time bonus: $1000=10^3
- Cost of said bonus: 1.5 * 10^12/yr
- Govt mailing every american $1000 every year: 3.3*10^8*10^3= 3.3*10^11
So the "tax cut" is equivalent to every American getting $4545.45 every year from "uncle Sam". And this includes every living American: young or old, rich or poor, gainfully employed or otherwise, gay or straight, trans or not, black or white, male or female. EVERYONE!
IF you are not getting an equivalent of $4545.45 or more EVERY year as a result of this tax cut (remember, the tax cut is permanent), then you are getting a "VERY BAD DEAL".

Numbers do not lie. $1.50 does not cut it. Neither will $1000 unfortunately.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 16th 2017
After last night's initial pass, reading through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act legislative text in deeper detail today. Full write-up coming to Nerd's Eye View blog on Monday morning.

In the meantime, will be sharing some (threaded) highlights here...
Original Tax Reform proposal from President Trump would have narrowed from 7 tax brackets down to 3. The House GOP proposal would have kept 4 brackets (plus a 5th phase-out bracket of 45.6% for upper income folks).

Final TCJA keeps the 7 tax bracket structure, but trims rates.
Top tax bracket for individuals comes down to 37% under TCJA (from 39.6%), but the removal of the Pease limitation (which was effectively a 1.2% income surtax on the top bracket) means the top rate cut is really from ~40.8% down to 37%.
Read 43 tweets
Dec 2nd 2017
What’s the best explainer of #GOPTaxPlan that you’ve read?
This is a great detailed explanation of #GOPTaxPlan but is written for someone with more familiarity of the tax code than most people. Looking for something similar that actually explains each thing:…
This is a little better in giving you a sense of what it would be like for 5 different families under the new #GOPTaxPlan. Ideally, an interactive version would be best so people could see what it would mean for them:…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 2nd 2017
1. Listen up @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP! My entire life, every time #GOP takes control they break the economy. Every. Time. Clearly you don't learn from your mistakes, or just cave to the disgusting 'party over country' battle cries. Pay attention - this is why you fail.
2. Two consistent platform features push diametrically against each other. An adherence to the failed 'Trickle Down Economics' model & Deregulation. Your core desire for small government will result in failure of your economic plan every time. The #GOPTaxScam will be disasterous.
3. Your model fails because you stack the deck for those at the top and then sit back touting your laissez-faire foundation, just hoping your 'plan' is going to magically happen in a socially beneficial way - and, repeatedly, it doesn't. Why not?
Read 15 tweets
Nov 28th 2017
1. Thread: a bunch of links to resources to help you take action to stop the #GOPTaxBill...
Are you calling Congress all the time? WHY NOT? Use call tools and tweetable Senator-specific graphics at @CAPaction’s microsite:
Are you in DC? Protest at the Capitol tomorrow! Learn more—plus a nat'l day of action Wed, march on Wall St Dec 2, & another Capitol Hill action Dec 5, at this coalition site:
Read 17 tweets

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