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Sep 27th 2022
John Boggess here with WMUL Sports from the Cam Henderson Center. The Marshall Volleyball team will take on EKU this evening. First serve will be at 6 p.m.
Marshall and EKU will meet for the 27th time tonight. EKU holds the lead on the all-time series 18-8. Marshall has won the last two meetings with the last one being in 2019.
@justinizimmer1 & Sean Kelly are calling tonight’s #volleyball game on WMUL. Check out the pregame show starting in 5 minutes on 88.1.
Read 49 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
Si on suit le raisonnement de Madelin, le système politique totalitaire et économique centralisé et planifié chinois devrait être à l'agonie depuis des décennies... or la Chine écrase littéralement le système productif techno-bureaucratique centralisé de l'UE.🤔
Le problème des libéraux français c'est qu'ils font souvent une erreur d'analyse en considérant l'économie comme un facteur de premier ordre dans l'organisation sociale... ce n'est pas le cas, c'est un facteur de second ordre qui passe après des invariants identitaires collectifs
Mais comme les véritables libéraux placent l'individu systématiquement au-dessus du collectif, cette dimension d'identité culturelle collective leur échappe complètement.
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Aug 10th 2022
Comparing the success in disease-modifying therapies for SMA to the failure in #Huntington's (HD) can be illuminating. Two successful SMA medications, a small molecule: risdiplam & an oligo: nusinersen, both restore SMN protein levels. For HD, two medications that worsened..1/5
..the disease, a small molecule: branaplam & an oligo: tominersen, both reduced the huntingtin protein levels. Different molecules & different mechanisms, but in the end replacement works in neurodegeneration & protein downregulation worsens the disease. The puzzling part is..2/5
..despite the data of disease worsening being replicated many times in clinical trials of protein lowering, despite phenotype in knockout animals that show important neuronal functions of these proteins, despite the correlation between the depletion of soluble protein levels..3/5
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Jul 28th 2022
El próximo octubre (19 a 22) tenemos un evento crucial en Barranquilla (Colombia) para todas aquellas personas interesadas en la enfermedad de #Huntington (EH).
Por segunda vez, @FactorH_LatAm -H organiza la “Latinamerican Huntington’s disease Conference” que este año contará con un elenco de ponentes de primerísimo nivel.

Aquí podéis consultar el programa:…
Además, el día 23 lo dedicaremos a realizar una campaña sanitaria en el área de Juan de Acosta, donde reside uno de los clústeres de personas afectadas por la EH más grandes del mundo.
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Apr 21st 2020
#LegaLeaks Zangani ItaUSA for #Trump risp ad Arata che non vuole essere coinvolto con Giorgetti e Picchi “bidonisti”,quando Salvini ha visto Trump a #WilkesBarre dove paghi 50$ per una foto.. hanno venduto l'evento come un endorsment di Trump ma era falso.… Image
Ho cercato di salvare la #SienaBiotech, purtroppo #Renzi ha dovuto trovare un lavoro per la sua amica Landi così siamo stati pagati per la consulenza e mandati a casa, 62 persone furono lasciate andare e l'edificio con alcune attrezzature all'avanguardia è stato abbandonato.
#SienaBiotech, la società di sviluppo e ricerca legata a #FondazioneMps è andata in crisi nel 2012, in liquidazione nel 2014 ed è fallita nel 2015...erano a un passo dal farmaco orfano per la cura del morbo di #Huntington A quando un inchiesta....@reportrai3 ?
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Nov 27th 2019
Team examines if #Huntington’s genetic mutation that predisposes to immune cell + neural tissue problems cld faciliate #microbial colonization of the of HD brain 👉 Find microbiome (bacteria + a variety of fungal structures) in HD autopsied brains:… ImageImage
2/ Some of the #fungi were found in the striatum + frontal cortex of seven #HD patient #brains, w/ close proximity to the nucleus, or even as intranuclear inclusions 👉 and prevalent #bacterial genera included Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Burkholderia. ImageImage
3/ Some of the identified #fungi create #mycotoxins like aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and trichothecenes 👉 which can provoke cellular injuries including ROS production + #mitochondria dysfunction
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