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May 24th 2023
@MondayNightIBD @AaronBlocker_ 1/2 #IBDPoll1️⃣:
📊If you are/were a caregiver for an adolescent/young adult (AYA) with #IBD or are an AYA who transitioned from #PedsGI to adult GI for your #IBD care, how was that transition?

Pls share your #PatientExperience with #MondayNightIBD!!
@MondayNightIBD @AaronBlocker_ 2/2 #IBDPoll2️⃣ #MondayNightIBD

Adolescent & young adults (& caregivers) who transtioned from #PedsGI to adult GI for #IBD care:

🚧 What did you find most difficult in the transition?
#Crohns #UlcerativeColitis
@MondayNightIBD @AaronBlocker_ Just to share my personal story, I found my biggest barrier was navigating the different care coordination style amidst a major life transition that coincided with my #PedsGI to adult GI transition! 1/5
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Jan 9th 2023
@BassiMehak @MarcelYibirin @MondayNightIBD @kzhuangmd @agoldowskymd @IBD_FloMD @IBD_Afzali @babudayyeh @BolandBrigid @amjohnsonMD @PopovVioleta @RobertoSimonsMD @LauraChiuMD @PDulaiMD @HealthyLivingGI @oridamas @kehutchins77 @ven_satyam @MichelleKimMD @Chris_Velez_MD @traceyg_md @khalili_MD @ingrid_hickman @EdwardLoftus2 @ReemSharaiha @gutdoc18 @ThereziaR @CherylharrisRD @DBadurdeen @KellyHathornMD @GIdietitian 9/ Wt loss #Medications.
✔️ ➕➕ for wt loss.
✔️ Safe in DM2 in IBD; may improve IBD activity
💥SE- nausea, 🤮, 💩🚽. Monitor closely
💥Orlistat- 🚫in IBD pts, esp with active small CD +/- chr malabsp syndrome
💥Phentermine-topiramate, Bupropion-naltrexone-⏬ efficacy Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @abbvie @JanssenUS @TakedaPharma 1/ #IBDPoll1️⃣ 30M non-smoker w stricturing #Crohns ileocolitis dx 1 year ago is now s/p ileocecal resection due to refractory symptoms despite adalimumab.

What would you recommend post-surgery? #MondayNightIBD

🔦= C-scope
🔥= Active disease
Metronid= Metronidazole
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @abbvie @JanssenUS @TakedaPharma 2/ #IBDPoll2️⃣ The pt was started on IFX 4 weeks post-op, but now presents @ 8 weeks post op w #Diarrhea 6-8 loose BM/day, no abdo pain, no blood. Stool Cdiff & Cx negative. FCP, CRP nml,

What’s next ? #MondayNightIBD
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @abbvie @JanssenUS @TakedaPharma 3/ #IBDPoll3️⃣ Pt is dx w #BAD w 7C4 level 80ng/mL, & started cholestyramine. Now presents w abdo pain, MRE multiple SB #Strictures ➡️Sx complicated by leaks & more✂️. Now w foul smelling diarrhea, Wt loss, dry mouth, orthostasis. CLN & Stool studies nml.
What’s next?
Read 5 tweets

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