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Oct 2nd 2018
For #Inktober2018 I’ll be doing a serial comic: Give or Take a Year.
Read 31 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
It was october, again, and the monsters were on the loose. The woman on the cover of the newspaper had a poisonous smile. Everybody was talking about her kidnapping. #Inktober #Inktober2018 #storytelling #noir
"She's a witch. You know that, right? A famous medium." Lillie said, her voice tranquil, while she was working through the papers in the office. #Inktober #Inktober2018 #storytelling #noir
"I asked roasted beef for lunch, boss", Lillie continued. "We could use a client like her. They say she's very rich". #Inktober #Inktober2018 #storytelling #noir
Read 31 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
#Inktober is here! Out of all the prompts/ideas for this year, the one that filled me with the most excitement was the 'choose your own inktober' by @genicecream from last year 🧡! So fun :) So I'm doing an interactive adventure featuring... you! --> #1: Alone in an open field
What do you do?
#2: You take a look inside the bag.

#inktober #Inktober2018
Read 16 tweets
Oct 1st 2018
Oktober telah tiba! Saya memutuskan ikut tantangan #Inktober2018 tidak mengikuti prompt. Tiap hari saya akan mengapresiasi tokoh2 yg lahir bulan oktober: satu wajah (atau lebih) tokoh populer untuk diilustrasikan tiap hari sesuai tgl lahir
Seperti hari ini.. 1 Oktober adalah hari lahir Julie Andrews... artis cantik yg kuat saya duga telah menemukan rahasia 'sun drop flower' atau mungkin 'tirta amerta' #inktober #Inktober2018 .. ada usulan siapa yg patut saya gambar besok?
Hari ke 2 Oktober #inktober #inktober2018, Saya membuat tema sendiri.. menggambar tinta tokoh2 yg ultah tiap hari pd bulan oktober. Hari ini atas saran @adharengga & @richoz
Read 35 tweets

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