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Jul 29th 2020

Ya'll I'm not much of one for pasting tweets to the walls in my house and stringing them together with red yarn (conspiracy theories), but hear me out on this fact pattern I’ve seen over the last week and come to your own conclusions (I'll point out where I'm stretching)
On June 25th (the night of #J25), per @GoadGatsby, @RichmondPolice occupied the planned protest meeting site (Monroe park)

Per @socialistdogmom, @RichmondPolice threatened arrest for those in the park. (They would of course go on to make good on those threats the next night June 26 with the arrest of several journalists & activists)

Read 29 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
I think a non native person may have said “whose land is this?!” To a group of indigenous folks but idk...
Crowd is mainly gathered in front of the jc listening to a speaker while a handful remain in the park in front of the federal courthouse
Read 24 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
Crowd is gathered in the center of the injustice center and federal courthouse listening to a Black speaker who has been speaking words of encouragement about the movement. Many cheers from the crowd
Read 39 tweets

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