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Aug 16th 2022
Urged @MIB_India @ianuragthakur to identify culprits within #CBFC responsible for giving clearance to #LalSinghChaddha @AKPPL_Official with intentional references of #Babri n #OperationBlueStar to fuel separatism at the behest of #China @AmitShah @GemsOfBollywood (Thread ahead)
Thread by @anjansengupta16 here:-
While the movie Laal Singh Chaddha ( henceforth LSC ) is getting a drubbing at the box office in India - let’s not lose the plot here. Two parts : China & the movie itself.
1) China : Aamir’s previous 2 movies ( see chart 1 below ) raked in ₹ 900 crore ( over $ 100 million ) & ₹ 1370 crore from box office sales in China. This is absolute BS - if you take ticket prices in China it will take a million + +
Read 16 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
The fundamental problem with Bollywood is different. For the production and the actors, #LalSinghChaddha is not a flop. They would have received their money by now. Who takes the losses? Distributors. They have already bought the rights - or they are coerced to buy the rights.
Now, the situation is this. If you boycott, its the theatre owners who take losses. If you don't boycott, Bollywood will brazen out by dishing out more nonsense like #LalSinghChaddha. The only solution for this is to ensure the distributors won't accept such movies.
But, is it realistically possible? What is the chance that a distributor or a theatre owner, howmuchsoever big he is, can dare to boycott a big ticket Bollywood movie? Make no mistake, till the time a distributor boycotts, Bollywood will not see any losses.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
There is a fundamental mistake made by the makers of #LalSinghChaddha
The original film #ForrestGump is on background of the anti war protests of Vietnam where USA was an aggressor.
So, #ForrestGump is basically a film where the US army is shown as being in the wrong.
That’s because #Vietnam history is known the world over.
BUT, in contrast, #LalSinghChaddha is based in India, in India, the #IndianArmy is always seen as a HERO.. not an aggressor!
+That fundamental mistake is (possibly) present in the script of #LalSinghChaddha
Now question arises “Who sees the Indian army in a different manner in India”
Answer: Communists and the Left..
That I think will be the major sinking issue for the film..
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
A thread on #LalSinghChaddha

Aamir Khan's film Laal Singh Chaddha is a copy of a Hollywood film Forrest Gump and has an agenda kind of film.

It aims to subconsciously promote hatred towards the army in the subconscious mind of the beholder.

Aamir Khan tells heroine Kareena Kapoor in a scene of this film that

"My mom tells me to go to the army, but I don't like killing anyone"

If you read this dialogue carefully again and again, then you will definitely understand the seriousness and agenda of this dialogue.
It puts / suggests thoughts in people's subconscious mind that

1. There are demonic people in the army who enjoy killing people.

2. The soldiers who kill are not the country's enemies, terrorists, jihadis but only 'people'. It dilutes the word terrorist with the word 'people'.
Read 10 tweets
May 30th 2022
1/2.. In the old govt offices.. seniors would ask the typist to make a copy of some document.. they would say.. "Word to word.. Makhi to Makhi".. Makhi means Fly.. So if the original had a dead makhi stuck on it.. the typist would have to kill a makhi & paste it on the copy..
2/2... This stupid #LalSinghChaddha seems like that.. Scene to scene.. makhi to makhi copy of Forrest Gump..and Im sure it will turn out a horrible copy-paste... I dont know if theres any song & dance..
I recall many scenes from Forrest Gump.. no way it was a bad movie... Its just fictional, fantasy thats all.. but the movie was well crafted & well made... Its like seeing history thru the eyes of an idiot..
Read 6 tweets
May 21st 2022
165. #Panchayat season 2 Image
166. #ThisIsUs season 6 Image
Read 155 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022

Gen Bipin Rawat was right.

The man who coined term "Two & Half Front War"
0.5 front[Enemies inside]

Recently, CJI Ramana said in event
Foreign companies worked against Indian vaccine & many in India [like WIRE] sought to ensure that Covaxin doesn't get recognition Image


Conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action

such as Social Engineering
Cyber attacks along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence & fully autonomous systems.

A war of "Information & perception" Image
Lets understand with an example.

Remember Greta Thunberg's TOOLKIT?

Deleted after it revealed global designs against India, campaign underway since at least Nov-20

Document clarifies that it's NOT an organic wave of support but well-planned PROPAGANDA
against Indian gov🇮🇳 Image
Read 35 tweets

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