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Oct 27th 2021
This project is almost two years in the making and is my interpretation of a modern-day London Best matched set of custom 9mm 2011 pistols. As you know, any matched pair must come with a case that would nestle the pistols and proper tools for what any gentleman/woman would need
to show up fully prepared for their duel or shooting range trip. I have always liked the historical idea of designing a matched pair of pistols; additionally, there is a reason why the practice started in the first place. I uniquely chose each feature to adapt best
to my disabilities, design sensibility, and intended uses. It made sense to have one carry version and one external training option/backup. The bag itself was a labor of love with Michael Noelle Leatherworx, who helps make the designs in my head manifest themselves into reality.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
So after the @UKGamesExpo The Game Shop: Aldershot took a few of our pre-release kits off our hands and we said goodbye to our Iconic Pink bag as it went off to find new adventures. Clearly we need a new demo piece so I thought I’d do a Tweet along...…
The D20 I’m going to build today is one of our ‘Unicorn Blood’ kits. This colour is still currently locked on the #Kickstarter but when we get to 1500% or £15k this high spectrum glitter effect will be available in the pledge manager at the end.
#rainbow #unicorn #glitter #diy
So to start off I’ve laid out my pieces in the same pattern as the diagram in the kit, if you have a kit with numbers having a D20 to hand can help you put everything in the right places. Then I’ve got one eyelet piece and one other and tied a standard knot.
Read 12 tweets

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