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Day 8489 of #Lockdown2
Liver biopsy result - " Baby Pink in Color,
death due to detoxification is possible"
Day 9337 #LockdownExtended

Accidentally liked my 10 year old crush's 5 year old post on instagram.

Now she knows what I have been doing for the entire time
Day 11237 of #Lockdown21
Trapped a pigeon in balcony. Cooked it for breakfast.
Read 5 tweets
#LockdownZim Diary 📔 To keep myself and the kids sane in these 21 days, we will be looking for Bugs, Pests and Beetle in the garden 🐜 🐛 🕷 #Covid19Zim
Day 1
Scary hairy caterpillars. Almost started WW3 with neighbor becoz they hatch in a large Strangler Tree in my yard! ImageImage
Day 2
She’s a beauty, isn’t she? But could turn out a pest when she molts 😬. There’re lots like that 🤣😜 Image
Read 109 tweets
Lockdown Day #1 (with bae)

Things seem fine and manageable.
Navratri starting today.

Pic of Fast Food. #21daysLockdown #NAVARATRI #LOCKDOWNDIARIES #Covid19India Image
Update on Day #1
We are discussing whether to keep a dog 🐕 or something like fish.
Day #1 contd.

ICSE student in my room was flaunting how they have read classics like Mcbeth and Great Expectations in school. The KVian and CBSE pass out in me has started reading it already. We don't flaunt and we aren't easily impressed. Image
Read 101 tweets

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