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Dec 16th 2020
DM'den çok fazla COVID19 geçirdim, negatifim ama şikayetlerim geçmedi diye soranlar var.


COVID-19 atlatanlardan kendisi "LONG HAULER" (Türkçe "Uzamış muzdaripler" denebilir) olarak tanımlayanların sayısı giderek artıyor.
👉COVID-19 geçirip testleri NEGATİF olduktan sonra haftalarca, hatta aylarca semptomları yaşamaya devam etme durumu.

👉Tam olarak bilinmiyor.
1. Akciğerlerde ve kalbte kalıcı organ hasarı
2. Yoğun bakım sonrası sendromu

3. Viral enfeksiyon sonrası yorgunluk sendromu
4. Devam eden COVID19 semptomları

👉Nefes darlığı
👉Kas, eklem ağrısı
👉Göğüs ağrısı
👉Baş ağrısı
👉Konsantrasyon güçlüğü, unutkanlık
👉Ara ara ateş
Read 8 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
#LongCOVID19 thread.
Even only #chronicSmellingLoss #Anosmia can be devastating emotionally:
Affected people loose any enjoyment in domains like food, ignore bad smelling warnings of many hazards, can become anxieux about body odours or house odours they aren't aware of ect.1/
Besides, a #MaxPlanKInstitute team got data suggesting #chronicSmellingLoss means brain access: " #SARSCoV2 can enter the nervous system by crossing the neural–mucosal interface in olfactory mucosa..penetrating defined neuroanatomical areas.."2/ #LongCOVID…
NB: Authors also suggest the existence of "other mechanisms or routes of viral entry into the brain " As we were able to detect #SARSCoV2 RNA in some individuals in CNS regions that have no direct connection to the olfactory mucosa..." #LongCOVID 3/…
Read 15 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
We have to be really careful of #Covid19 support groups that claim to be inclusive but don’t want to talk about the racial disparities in healthcare or statistics that clearly state who this virus affects most. #longcovid
If I can’t have a discussion about being a black woman struggling with this virus and the racism that while seeking treatment in a #Covid19 support group, I don’t want it.
Having this virus isn’t a public relations job for me. This is real. It affects me every single day. #longcovid #covid19 #blackpeople #chronicillness
Read 8 tweets

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