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Feb 17th 2022
The #narcissist cannot exist without their #narcissisticagents (flying monkeys), who do their work for them, participating in #narcissisticabuse by proxy. There is alot of information out there on narcissists, but little on their ‘agents’. What type of person becomes an agent?
People who resonate with a #narcissists victimhood or grievance, are highly Suggestible, easily manipulated, socially naive, lack #boundaries have blind trust in the narcissist, need a leader or to be led, are easily deceived and used. All narcissists use their audience
& people as a means of #control Their agents are not ‘human’ to them. They are viewed an ‘objects’ for their own agenda. They gossip, deceive & lie to their Agents. They may bring them on board for their ‘cause’. If an agent accepts, they are agreeing to underlying rules #Control
Read 16 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
#ParisPeaceForum | Stabilité du cyberespace, régulation internationale d’Internet, lutte contre les contenus terroristes et illicites : la🇫🇷prend le parti du multilatéralisme efficace, porté par @JY_LeDrian

Retour sur une séquence riche pour la diplomatie numérique 👇
Le 10/11, une vingtaine d’universitaires et de chercheurs, du monde entier, autour d’@EmmanuelMacron.

Les échanges ont porté sur la régulation des plateformes, la transparence algorithmique, l’ouverture des données et protection des démocraties à l’ère numérique.
Le 11/11, @EmmanuelMacron a fait le bilan des projets portés par la 🇫🇷 et ses partenaires, notamment la🇳🇿 et le🇨🇦.


👉 Ces initiatives concrètes, multi-acteurs et multilatérales, portent aujourd’hui leurs fruits.
Read 11 tweets

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