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Jun 25th 2020
The irony of it all. Let me, an Allopathic (your term) correct you.
Cassia angustifolia NOT Cassia angusfifolia
Syzygium aromaticum NOT Fyzygium
Nigella sativa NOT fytiva
Boswellia serrata NOT Bofwellia sarraca
Pistacia lentiscus NOT lendiscus
#alternativefacts #Science Image
But I'm OK with all the typos as long as my blood and mucus is purified through stool. In real medicine, its called Ulcerative Colitis and its pretty bad.
#herbal #mislabelling #Ayurvedic #Ayurveda #HerbalRemedies #livertwitter #medtwitter #India #coronavirus
What we do find are enough heavy metals to defend our borders and plant based anthraquinones and sesquiterpenes enough to damage the #Liver This patient who consumed this and more, is advised to be listed for liver transplantation
#coronil #evidence #pseudoscience #ayush
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