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Nov 10th 2022
I've explored a reliable method to create high-quality, style-consistent #game assets w. #StableDiffusion

We're just scratching the surface here & I believe this can become a very potent creation tool (like a "@procreate on AI-steroids"🤔)

A demonstration with... spellbooks 🧵
Spellbooks are another ubiquitous asset in heroic #fantasy games, tabletop games, D&D, etc.

However (like for potions), the Unity/Unreal asset stores have limited choice, and most assets have a rather simplistic design.

Here's how #AI can solve such a situation.
At first, I generated a set of 38 "random" spellbooks, which I used to train a finetune model of Stable Diffusion (Dreambooth). It took 1 hr.

I then explored a set of possibilities with simple prompts and or limited modifiers (intricate, detailed, beautiful, 3D render...)
Read 24 tweets
Jan 29th 2020
Done with this. Kept it as just a driveable brushwork, and as much texture details as poss. Also enabled shading to help define the geometry. And swap wheel textures upon acceleration. Might be surpising, it's not easy with #Carmageddon.
#DOSgaming #retrogaming #modding #IonFury Image
To make things easier; I translated the gradients from the Ion Fury palette to arbitrarily selected ranges in the C1 palette (ouch my eyes). Then used a custom #BRender shadetable to assign new gradients (i.e. red, grey, yellow) to these ranges (and enable shading). Image
Had to resort to a complicated setup of intersecting planes moving along the rear suspension to try and fake the wheel texture swap as the car accelerates. Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 9th 2019
Did quick ports of Crashers models to #Carmageddon 2. Not sure I'll do them properly as there's a lot of work to split the textures and their uvw maps.
Here's what they look like in software mode (256 colors, no texture size limit).
#modding ImageImageImage
And here's what they look like in Glide mode 😆 (16-bit high color, 256x256 texture size limit)
This is why I'd have to split the textures/uvw maps... ImageImageImage
Some Crashers models exported and rendered by @AlexTsekot : Image
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