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Apr 13th 2019
Today's @narendramodi speech in Bengaluru was one of his best in #LokSabhaElections2019 tour. He covered so many topics that most newspapers would need 3/4th of front page just to cover this one speech!!

From Security to middle class to Digital India.. Wow!
Security: Modi reminded that #Chowkidar made namumkin into mumkin.. No major bomb blast in five years in any major city!!!

Congress used to change HM after any blast.
Modi changes methods, not HM.

#SurgicalStrike - ground, air and space.
National war memorial.
Middle class: Home loan 6 lakhs saving.
Interest rate from 15% to 11%.

Heart & knee surgery - 80% reduction.
Jan Aushadhi big help.

Without raising tax:
15 metro trains.
World's biggest healthcare.
Crores of Toilets
12 cr farmers getting ₹75,000 cr total.
Up to 5 lakh no tax.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 23rd 2019
MODIfied Railway station's

After seeing this thread still u are voting CON party due to Priyanka's nose looks like Indira then
"इसमे आपका घाटा ,मोदीजी का कुछ नहीं जाता ।ठगबंधन वाला आता ,ओ बस लूट के जाता ।"

Manduadih station in Varanasi

Almost 65 railway stations are modified with LED lights, wi-fi, food centres, Kiosks, Exc lounges, lifts Escalators ,ramps

Modified New Delhi's railway station

#Moditransformsbharat 👇
Read 67 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets

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