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Feb 25th 2023
📞 25.02.23 — Atualização da Minji no calendário do Phoning!

đŸ»: Cartas dos Bunnies 🐰
Recebi cartas dos Bunnies! Alguma vez imaginei que poderia receber tantos cartas? đŸ€”
havia muitas cartas sinceras de tantos Bunnies.


#NewJeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR
đŸ»: Parece sincero, as letras sĂŁo difĂ­ceis de entender se vocĂȘ as ler apenas uma vez e depois seguir em frente. Gosto muito de escrever cartas, mas claro que tambĂ©m adoro receber. Estou tĂŁo animada para ler todas elas.


#NewJeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR
đŸ»: Consigo sentir o coração dos Bunnies atravĂ©s das letras, assim como tambĂ©m quando fazemos contato visual quando estou no palco, as pequenas conversas em fansigns, mensagens no Phoning. Eu posso sentir quĂŁo preciosos e sinceros todos vocĂȘs sĂŁo.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
📞 24.02.23 — Atualização da Hanni no calendário no Phoning!

🐰: Primeiro dia em Milão <3
Ontem foi meu primeiro dia em MilĂŁo e foi tĂŁo lindo!! Eu dei uma volta pela cidade com meu manager por algumas horas pela manhĂŁ


#newjeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR Image
🐰: E o tipo de clima frio me lembrou muito de Melbourne no outono e inverno. Eu realmente gostei do meu cafĂ© da manhĂŁ tambĂ©m!! Eu acho que o cafĂ© aqui Ă© muito bom. Eu nĂŁo costumo gostar muito de cafĂ©, especialmente cafĂ© quente.


#newjeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR
🐰: O cafĂ© aqui tem cheiro e gosto meio fortes, mas eu realmente gostei~~ agora que estou começando a gostar de cafĂ©, sinto que estou ficando adulta...
As ruas aqui são bonitas com todos os becos e prédios


#newjeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR
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Feb 24th 2023
📞 24.02.23 — Atualização da Minji no Phoning:

đŸ»: Tudo faz parte dos sonhos... ✹
NĂŁo hĂĄ nada mais romĂąntico do que ouvir uma boa mĂșsica no momento certo đŸ€­đŸ’—
Esses momentos, quando combinado com mĂșsica, parecem mais emocional!!


#newjeans #뉎진슀 @NewJeans_ADOR
đŸ»: Isso me faz lembrar mais desses momentos 💗
Talvez seja por isso que eu costumo ouvir as mesmas mĂșsicas, para relembrar aqueles momentos atravĂ©s da mĂșsica? Acho que nĂŁo procuro ou ouço mĂșsicas novas com frequĂȘncia, mas hĂĄ momentos em que eu quero ouvir mĂșsicas novas!

đŸ»: Nesses momentos, eu vou pegar muitas recomendaçÔes ou procurar sozinha por mĂșsicas novas.
Tem mĂșsicas que eu sempre tenho no coração e penso quando estou de bom humor~ Os Bunnies tambĂ©m tĂȘm alguma mĂșsica que os façam sentir assim?? A minha Ă©:

Read 4 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
In her new cosmopolitan interview, #HyunA mentioned rookie girl group New Jeans when asked what she would tell her 15 year old self, watching them reminds her of herself & worries back then so she hopes they will eat well and take care of themselves

#NewJeans #현아 @Cosmopolitan ImageImage
#HyunA: "These days, New Jeans are someone I’m watching with love. I think 'Are you eating well?', & I wonder if they won’t be able to eat because of wearing crop tops or won’t be able to sleep because they don’t have time. It reminds me of when I was young & I worry." ImageImage
"New Jeans, take care of yourself, eat Korean food and take vitamins. And I hope that there is at least one person by your side who you can confide in with ease.”

*Rough translation, may contain inaccuracies
Read 4 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
new jeans - omg music video. symbolism and analysis.

1. first let’s break down the word “omg” it’s way deeper than you think. Image
2. the whole music video is happening at a mental hospital and the girls are shown as if they are suffering from multiple personality disorder. Image
3. “i was actually an iphone”

i = eye
i is also ai = artificial Intelligence
phone = voice
her saying that she is an iphone is dehumanization.
siri = sirius, iris(eye) Image
Read 11 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
the new jeans omg music video has such blatant symbolism and is screaming about another disease/wave coming . i will post the analysis of the whole mv later Image
new jeans = new genes = hybrids
no longer human
but humans have been turned into bio monsters

heart is also earth
meaning a disease hitting and spreading thru the whole earth
Read 3 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
OMG Park Jihu who played Onjo in All Of Us Are Dead is in #Newjeans ditto!!! she was also holding a camera the whole MV recording the girls but then the girls disappeared in the end 😭 just like the series 😭

PLS it gave me so much goosebumps maybe this is after the incident??? idk but too many references from that series to go unnoticed 😭
watch it here you guys!! literally goosebumps on newjeans ditto đŸ€Ż
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Nov 26th 2022
Congratulations to #IVE and #LimYoungwoong for winning MMA TOP 10 Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 tonight 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Congratulations to #TXT (#GoodBoyGoneBad) for winning Best Performance - Male Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 tonight 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Congratulations to #LE_SSERAFIM (#ANTIFRAGILE) for winning Best Performance - Female Award at the Melon Music Awards #MMA2022 🎉

#KoreanUpdates RZ Image
Read 23 tweets
Aug 13th 2022
Top free #DataScience resources :

1. CS109 Data Science

2. Data Science Essentials

3. Learning From Data from California Institute of Technology
4. Mathematics for Machine Learning by University of California, Berkeley

5. Foundations of Data Science by Avrim Blum, John Hopcroft, and Ravindran Kannan

6. Python Data Science Handbook
 #Data #india
7. CS 221 ― Artificial Intelligence

8. Ten Lectures and Forty-Two Open Problems in the Mathematics of Data Science

9. Python for Data Analysis by Boston University

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