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Canada is the world's second-largest country after Russia. The country stretches across 3.8 million square miles (9.9 million square kilometres). Canada is almost equal in size to China (9,596,961 sq km), but its proximity to the North Pole makes it look much larger than China.
The area north of the treeline: 2,728,800 km2, over 27% of Canada's total area.
Canada's land border: 8,890-km border with the United States, is the longest international border in the world.
#Canada is divided into numerous geographical zones. Average elevation is 487 m above sea level. The highest mountain peak (Mount Logan) is at 5,959 meters. The country has 52,455 mostly uninhabited islands in the open sea. #geography
Read 21 tweets
I love the sound of water and great music. They soothe my soul, and I was so excited to visit #NiagaraFalls today.

A friendly Californian guy, a Physicist by profession, I met inside a boat at Niagara falls who noticed my excitement about the waterfall sounds, shook (1/4)
my hand and asked where I am from. I said I am from Tigray. I guess I heard about it but where is Tigray located, he asked. I said Tigray is in Africa, to be precise it is located in East Africa.

We talked about the ongoing genocidal war against my people for a while (2/4)
and the complicity of the international community. He felt sad about the whole situation in Tigray, and he promised that he will read more about Tigray when he gets a chance. Ā (3/4)
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#Niagara #NiagaraFalls
Just in:
Crews responding for a Gorge Rescue at the ā€˜Wooden Stairsā€™ at the Whirlpool Center; 3500 Niagara River Parkway. @NiagParksPolice @NiaFallsFire two female hikers in need of assistance stranded on a rock cliff. Rappelling will be required.
Aerial requested to assist with rope rescue in the gorge. Unknown injuries - hikers are reportedly located in a spot they canā€™t move from and require a high-angle rope rescue for extrication.
Hikers located by the aerocar platform. Crews making contact.
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Is it safe to say so much of what we have come to love (and hate) about Ontario will be forever changed on Thursday night?
As a Dad of young children, & teacher, I'm struggling with what a PC majority might mean for school communities, the environment, and our health care system.
I have knocked on doors, made phone calls and talked with friends and neighbours. I am voting with a few on Thursday in order to help get out the vote, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.
At this time, I really think the only chance we have of stopping Ford and his PCs is to swallow our preferred party pride, check our hearts, and vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the PC candidate, riding by riding.
Read 128 tweets
#onpoli #VoteFordOut here are key ridings where you can make a difference by voting strategically to prevent the Doug Ford Conservatives from forming government.
Ajax riding, the strategic vote is Ontario Liberal. Otherwise Ford may win this seat. Don't be fooled by his candidate that was on the school board, they have no interest in public education. NONE. Image
#Brampton East a riding that could MOVE to Doug Ford's PC's if the voters don't support the NDP in this riding. Image
Read 33 tweets
Walking out these doors @UMassIALS @UMassChemEng @UMassAmherst is a weirdly feeling! I left home 13 years ago for the pursuit of happiness. Over the years, I have seen that some people move out of academia neutral šŸ˜, some bitter šŸ˜•, and some happy šŸ˜€..... contd. @AcademicChatter
However, almost all the time you have to leave for bigger and better things in life.
One thing Iā€™m absolutely sure about is that almost all people move out with a sense of ā€˜prideā€™. #phdlife
Pride of witnessing a phenomenon that noone ever had before!
Pride of seeing things develop that sounded utterly crazy as a child!
Pride of developing things that will be enabling for eternity!
Pride of being among that elite group of people on earth šŸŒŽ! #pridephd
Read 10 tweets
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and itā€™s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
I keep track of things and I like old books. The other day this old ledger caught my eye online so I bought it. I thought I could keep track of case notes. I like a little bit of history in my books.
It was interesting because it was the ledger from the Canada Southern Railway Line and had been used in 1877. It was mostly blank so I bought it. The ad mentioned that some pages had been used.
When it arrived, it had old book smell but it was in great condition. I pulled it open and noticed the perfectly written script and math scrawled on the inside cover.
Read 19 tweets
And thatā€™s how incredible falls look like #NiagaraFalls ImageImage
To ensure the views are not the only memories you get from the place, thereā€™s a maid of the mist tour as well thatā€™s gonna give you a feel beyond description.
Glimpse of the mist that gonna interact with you in a full blown way throughout the boat ride #maidofthemist Image
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