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Aug 10th 2020
New Leak by @GhostSec__ as part of #OpLebanon .

"Ansar" hacking group, hacked arab gov institutions, but also leb establishments. They track/surveil, activists, journalists, perform phishing and sabotage on behalf of the Iranian regime. #oplebanon
#oplebanon @GhostSec__ disclosed that "Ansar" hacked and stole saudi military personnel records @modgovksa. They also hacked @ThurayaTelecom to eavesdrop on millions of people. Guns for hire, no ethos, Ansar are enemies of Freedom. #OpLebanon @RoninNakamoto #prayforbeirut
Nicknamed "Satanic2000", their leader's real name is Ali Ahmadzadeh. He can be seen holding a backpack. Other members of the group include Mohamad Makarian (head-shot), and Erfan Blood (prince of hacking) whose real name is Erfan Zaadbood. #OpLebanon @GhostSec__ @RoninNakamoto
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2020

Todo peso o dólar suma y puede hacer una gran diferencia. Reenvía este mensaje por favor a todos los que puedas.

Mucha gente me ha preguntado cómo puede ayudar económicamente, especialmente a personas que yo conozco, que sé que la está pasando mal, ImageImageImageImage
que están hospitalizados, perdieron seres queridos o sus casas, y que le podemos hacer llegar el dinero directamente. ¡Son muchos amigos que están profundamente afectados! 💔

Además de las oraciones, te comparto estas 3 opciones para ayudar.
Todas son confiables y beneficiarán de manera directa a Líbano a corto y largo plazo:

🇱🇧 ONGs trabajando en Líbano: El primer link “Disaster Relief after the Explosion” es el gran fondo general para todo Líbano, que ha estado recibiendo más donativos
Read 28 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
Before & after images of #Beirut

The amount of damage is evaluated to be at least $5 billion, the equivalent of 15 years of Lebanon's civil war.

Before & after drone footage of #Beirut

Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
• Habib Umar bin Hafiz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) dua for the people Beirut/Lebanon.

#لبنان_بيروت Image
O Allah, Remover of all harm, Reliever of all difficulties, You are the One in Whose hand is complete dominion; You are the One who shows mercy to Your servants, so show mercy to them, O Lord. Gaze upon the people of #Lebanon and upon their situation.
Show gentleness to them, gentleness from Your presence through which You protect them from all evil, sickness and tribulation. O Allah, heal the sick and wounded and give them a good, blessed and noble life.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
Second compilation video of the #Beirut explosion

Horrific scenes of devastation following the #Beirut explosion

Blast damage extends over half of city, cost tops $3 billion, says the Beirut governor—via AFP

There is hope in #Beirut

Rescued from under the rubble after more than ten hours

Read 15 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
"I'm crying for this"

Gabenor Beirut Marwan Abboud tak mampu menahan dari menitiskan air mata sewaktu ditemuramah media.

"It looks like what happened in Japan, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.That's what it reminds me of. I have never seen destruction on this scale in my life.'

Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud cries as he explains to a journalist the scene of the destruction due to the explosion.
Read 3 tweets

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