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Jun 19th 2023
Vintage Ring Theft Turns Into a Fraud Mystery!
another case for you investigator, we need your help to solve this asap!:…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
#Bonjour après une #nuitétrange
Parce qu'ici la part sombre qui
🔹 s'exprime sans nuance, beaucoup, bruyamment & souvent très salement
🔹ou qui au contraire avance sous pseudonymat, traque, et manipule
est très prégnante pour le radar à incohérences que je suis.
Parce que j'affirme sans doute trop encore mais #teamCassandre.
J'ai vraiment hésité à prendre vraiment le large et aller respirer loin d'ici.
▪️il y a des milieux dont je ne souhaite pas me priver
▪️j'apprécie de glâner nombre d'informations et de trouver des pièces
complémentaires pour les #puzzles que j'ai en cours.
Donc je vais me contenter
➡️ de lire ou pas mais de m'abstenir de commenter y compris si les propos sont clairement critiques (sauf cas particulier e.g. si la question est posée)
➡️ de bloquer pour avoir une TL respirable
Read 4 tweets
Apr 16th 2020
Dino prints are sometimes seen on cave roofs. How did these 4-foot wide dinosaur footprints form?

1. The dino’s walked on mud that hardened over coral debris?

2. A volcanic eruption lowered sea-level and ash covered a shallow ocean?

3. Evolution is a lie...

#Science #puzzles
1500 feet down in a French cave, the #dinosaur footprints are some of the largest known, made by titanosauriforms 167M years ago. Tracks show impressions of digits, digital pads, and claws - from a new species they name Occitanopodus gandi. #ScienceFromHome...
Dino prints have been found in cave roofs before. Here’s a famous set from Fireclay caves in Queensland, Australia. You can read @NatureNews story here #facts
Read 4 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
Cathedral in Rouen Portal Grey Weather
Claude #Monet #Poster…

#art #impressionism
Cathedral in Rouen Portal Grey Weather
#Monet Jigsaw #Puzzles…
Cathedral in Rouen Portal Grey Weather
#Monet #Tshirt…

#Tshirts #art
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
THREAD: Usability insights requested from those who like word games and puzzles ! Please follow along with me for a bit of exposition, then provide your input! (1/17) #Puzzles #WordGames #UI #UX
(2/17) Imagine you're using a new tool to search for solutions to word puzzles. One thing this tool lets you do is discover pairs of words in which two consecutive letters anywhere within one word are reversed in other words.
(3/17) For example, "dairy" & "diary", "united" & "untied", "geocentric" & "egocentric", and "unclear" & "nuclear" share this property.
Read 20 tweets

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