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Oct 26th 2018
0/ Regardless of the market conditions, the #crypto and #blockchain space is active as ever.

Let's go through some of the eye-catching, project-specific news that took place over the past 24 hours or so, shall we?
1/ 🇲🇾 @NEMofficial's SEA arm - @NEM_SEA - announced an MoU reached with Taylor’s University.

NEM SEA will assist the Malaysian university's School of Computing and IT in many ways. E.g., help author a syllabus devoted to #blockchain, run some of the students classes, and more.
2/ 📣 @DharmaProtocol unveiled #DharmaLever, a way for users to *trustlessly* borrow/lend #crypto in large volumes on a global scale.

Will feed and draw credit liquidity from Dharma's growing network of relayers (e.g. @Bloqboard, #QuickLine).

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