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Dec 23rd 2020
The dissonance between #ReadTheReport and #BUTstandards is stunning, but not surprising. It is much easier to reconcile and talk about the report if Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the ranks are evidence of BAD people and BAD decisions
And not fundamentally part of the same conversation about how women are treated within military organizations. If you don’t think women speaking up about how they EXPERIENCE something as simple as a haircut regulation,
Then why on earth would they trust you to listen to their EXPERIENCES of harassment and assault?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
Some people who #ReadTheReport are asking "what exactly is rape-culture?"
I'm just one woman, & would say I had a 'great career' & 'enjoyed my time in the Army' & this was a mere 3 hours of thinking of examples. I'd planned to go all day, but it was too exhausting. (A Thread)
Someone conveniently slid into my DMs to mansplain how exhausting my individual SA/SH tweets were becoming, so I have helpfully combined them all here for your perusal.
That one time I called out a senior warrant officer for making jokes about clowns raping children, in the TOC, no less, and everyone in the room looked at me like I was the one being inappropriate for calling him out.
Read 26 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
Straight from the #MuellerReport. Required reading for all American voters. This is an #IllegitimatePresident They are destroying our republic and our democracy with the help of every republican in Congress (except Justin Amash). #VoteBlue2020 #DemSenate2020 /1
"Did I say I have a great memory or one of the best in the world?" Trump asked for clarification, to which he was told he'd said he had "one of the best in the world."
"I don't remember saying that. As good as my memory is, I don't remember that, but I have a good memory,".. /2
“And I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in Russia. I don't have any deals in Russia. President Putin called me up very nicely to congratulate me on the win of the election,” Trump said. 2/16/17
#TrumpLies #MuellerReport #ReadIt /3
Read 20 tweets
May 31st 2019
Trump did not agree to answer questions because he almost certainly would have perjured yourself. #Mueller found Trump's written responses to his questions inadequate. /1 #ReadTheReport #MuellerReport Vol. 2, Page 149… … …
Trump did NOT cooperate in answering important questions regarding Trump Tower Moscow. We need answers. /2 #ReadTheReport #MuellerReport Vol. 2, Page 155…
Trump refused to be interviewed by #Mueller. Why? Because lying under oath to law enforcement is a CRIME. /3 #ReadTheReport #MuellerReport Appendix C-1…
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2019
In the #MuellerStatement, he told us to look at the Special Counsel's report.
This Thread has easy Graphics with excerpts from his statement followed by
THE 12 parts of #MuellerReport Executive Summary of Volume II.
Take the #MuellerChallenge & READ THEM!
Excerpt from #MuellerStatement
“Let me say a word about the report...."
- Robert Mueller, Special Counsel
Excerpt from #MuellerStatement
“And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
The introduction to the Volume II of our report explains that decision."
Read 26 tweets
May 29th 2019
Been mulling the if, when & how of impeachment? Me too. The why was never in question.

Amidst the fog, I was looking for clarity on the issue and got it today w/ Mueller's clear-as-day statement: Felony obstruction charges weren't brought against Trump b/c of DOJ guidelines. 1/
First, I wholesale reject the "guideline" that a sitting POTUS can't be indicted while in office. On its face, that defies the basic principle that no one is above the law.

A question of that importance re: the Executive should not be left to unnamed lawyers IN the Executive! 2/
Trump famously said he could shoot a person on 5th Ave and get away w/ it. Were he actually to do that, you mean to tell me the only remedy available would be to begin impeachment hearings just to wait while, months later, Lindsey Graham tap dances around reality? Ridiculous. 3/
Read 23 tweets

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