Amidst the fog, I was looking for clarity on the issue and got it today w/ Mueller's clear-as-day statement: Felony obstruction charges weren't brought against Trump b/c of DOJ guidelines. 1/
A question of that importance re: the Executive should not be left to unnamed lawyers IN the Executive! 2/
Prosecutors have great discretion as to whether to bring charges. (Ask POC.) But in the case of a POTUS, prosecutors suddenly have none? Makes zero sense. 5/
If you want to answer the HR question – Should Shitty Exec A keep his job? – sure, we have the discretion of either impeachment or waiting until the next election. Calculate and pundificate all you want on that one.
But what if you want JUSTICE? 8/
Well then, thanks to never adjudicated "DOJ guidelines", impeachment hearings are no longer an option but an imperative. 9/
Just the facts ma'am. So very long overdue. 13/
Our collective HR dept has evidence that goes way beyond that. 14/
Fact: The chief executive abuses his office to threaten political opponents and shield allies from justice w/ abuse of his pardon powers. Impeachable. 15/
You're worried about what the GOP will decide in the Senate?
Honestly, should we ever make a decision on whether to do the right thing based on how GOP senators will respond? Mitch, please. 17/
This will be THEIR trial every bit as much as it will be Trump's. 18/
Stand for something. Law. Justice. Freedom. Democracy. Am I crazy to think those are winning themes?? 19/
Terrified that '20 issues will be overshadowed by impeachment? Then make democratic REFORMS to avoid this bloody hell YOUR ISSUE.
Cause guess what? 20/
Voter rights. Secure elections. Electoral college. Lobbying reform. All of it.
Winning a rhetorical argument = useless until we fix the system that gets shit done. 21/
Want to expose that? #ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW All the "both sides" BS will be laid bare by who's standing up for America & who is not. 22/

This is our "you're either with us or against us moment."
I'm with America. How about you? #ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW /END