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Jun 30th 2019
Waiting to see any verified Left-wing condemnation of the 8 months pregnant woman stabbed to death in London yesterday @DavidLammy @GaryLineker (all the usual suspects) are they conveniently offline at #Glastonbury to signal their hatred of #Brexit to the point of not caring? 1/6
They prefer the company of white middle class #Remoaners off their faces on class A drugs, whilst non-ironically cheering on a foul-mouthed, drug-taking (if his lyrics are to be believed) rapper, without any comprehension of the damage drug culture is doing to the country. 2/6
This disproportionately affects the lives of the very people they claim (falsely) to be in support of. @stormzy is a joke, a hypocrite which is why he is adored by the Left but hated within his own community for the damage he & his music are doing to it but he is not alone. 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Jun 9th 2019
Things #Remainers clearly still do not know about the #EU, although this could be such a huge thread as there are so many that I have tried to list only the most important ones, but please feel free to add anymore. Thread 1/11
The 1st thing was the framing of the referendum question to leave or to remain a binary once in a generation vote. Framing was crucial as by now we would have become a fully integrated member of the #EU had we voted to remain but we voted to leave despite the lies of Remain. 2/11
There would never have been a 2nd #EU referendum vote. As a fully integrated Eurozone member state your electorate has no say on the following five policy areas: (i) monetary policy, (ii) fiscal policy, (iii) trade policy, (iv) immigration policy & (v) industrial policy. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
What the referendum has shown me – thread, please add your own tweets to it: 1/11
The referendum has shown me that none of the three major UK parties and very few of our politicians, especially on the #Left either care about or even understand what the real definition of democracy actually is & why we voted to leave the #Left also hates the working class. 2/11
The referendum has shown me Parliament has for too long been allowed to ignore the wishes of the British people and more importantly without any real consequences to them, from expenses to lying under oath there has been one rule for us and a different one for them. 3/11
Read 11 tweets

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